Surprising causes (and effective answers) for depression


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Surprising causes (and effective answers) for depression


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), currently 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression. 

Here in the US, about one out of five of us has reported symptoms of depression, and those numbers are not going down, my friend.   

The causes and contributing factors behind depression can run the gamut, and include the death of a loved one, job loss, divorce, trauma, being the victim of a crime, nutrient deficiencies or a severe illness. 

Yet no matter what someone’s unique situation is, if they consult a doctor for depression, chances are excellent they will walk out with a prescription for an antidepressant.   

But these drugs are not the “happy pills” the commercials with the attractive smiling actors will lead you to believe!  In fact, former users of Prozac have reported the following effects and experiences while using the drug: 

  • Feeling extremely irritable 
  • A sense of being possessed 
  • Suffering panic and anxiety attacks 
  • Extreme difficulty with concentration 
  • No ability to love 
  • Impaired judgment 
  • Feeling out of control 
  • An overwhelming fear of being controlled by others 
  • Violent suicidal or homicidal thoughts 
  • No feelings of guilt or sense of conscience  

If that doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will. 

So clearly, it’s more important than ever to know that depression CAN be helped—without resorting to dangerous antidepressants! 

Here are 8 very effective natural solutions to consider:  

Natural depression solution #1: Vitamins B3, B6 and B12 

Vitamins B3, B6 and B12 are essential to proper mental health, and without them your brain can produce chemicals that actually make you feel insane!   

Lacking in these vital nutrients can lead to a whole series of disturbing symptoms including: 

  • Feeling unreal or disconnected 
  • Hearing your own thoughts 
  • Anxiety and inner tension 
  • Suspicious of people 
  • Inability to think straight 
  • Frequent mood swings 
  • Seeing or hearing things abnormally 
  • Having delusions or illusions 

A deficiency in these superstar B vitamins is relatively easy to overcome…IF you use an effective form of supplementation!  And Hydroxaden 2.5 Vitamin B spray is your ticket to help make sure you’re getting what you need for strong mental functioning! 

Hydroxaden 2.5 is a sublingual spray that provides a therapeutic dose of B12, plus its mental health teammates vitamins B3 and B6, as well as riboflavin (vitamin B2). 

The sublingual delivery is important and here’s why:  Vitamin B12 absorbency in the GI tract is severely limited by factors such as poor digestion, an unhealthy gut microbiome and use of acid reducers.  But with Hydroxaden 2.5, the B12 can be quickly and efficiently absorbed into your bloodstream through the mucus membranes in your mouth!   

Natural depression solution #2: Get sweating 

Regular exercise may very well be the most powerful natural antidepressant available! 

Mountains of studies have repeatedly shown that increased participation in exercise, sports and physical activity is strongly associated with decreased symptoms of depression, malaise and anxiety. 

Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK (trust me, he or she will be thrilled) and get sweating! 

And if you don’t know how to start exercising, going for a brisk walk is a great place to start.  Try to get an exercise buddy or take the dog for a stroll around the neighborhood.   

Natural depression solution #3: Check your thyroid 

Depression can also be an early or first manifestation of low thyroid function. 

If it’s been a while since you had your thyroid checked, time to see your doctor.   

Natural depression solution #4: Vitamin D  

Studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels are far more prone to depression.   

This is very common in the northern hemisphere, where our exposure to sunlight is greatly limited throughout the year. 

To help ensure you have health-supporting levels of this vital nutrient 365 days a year, in addition to getting 20-30 minutes a day of unprotected sunlight exposure (when possible), it’s wise to supplement with an outstanding product like Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B. 

Optimum DK Formula provides a therapeutic 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 in each capsule, as well as vitamins K1 (500 mcg) and K2 (50 mcg), and the mineral boron.   

This effective blend of super effective nutrients works synergistically to support strong mental health, as well as bone, immune and cardiovascular health too! 

Natural depression solution #5: Cognitive therapy  

Although many counseling techniques may be helpful, the one that stands out to be very effective with depression is cognitive therapy. 

Psychologists and mental health practitioners trained in cognitive therapy seek to help change the way a depressed person consciously thinks about failure, defeat, loss, helplessness and hopelessness. 

Cognitive therapy has been shown in medical literature to be as effective as antidepressants in terms of relieving depression—without the dangerous side effects!  In addition, the rate of relapse with cognitive therapy is much lower than with drugs! 

Natural depression solution #6: Let your food be your medicine  

You didn’t think I wasn’t going to mention food, did you? 

Food should be your primary form of medicine.  I’m talking about super-nutritious real foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, meats, chicken and wild-caught fish, eggs, real butter, and full-fat dairy.  (Yes, you read that right.  Your body NEEDS fats—especially your BRAIN!  So don’t fall for that “fat is the devil” BS any longer.) 

At the same time, strive to avoid processed and fast foods, and highly refined carbs (sweets, pasta, breads, snack chips and soda).  These foods not only do NOT nourish you, but they cause nutrient depletions which can be detrimental to your brain! 

Natural depression solution #7: Support your gut environment 

Inflammation in the gut has been linked to depression, plus your gut is where 90 percent of your body’s serotonin (your natural antidepressant!) is made—so it’s crucial to keep it healthy! 

You can help support your gut environment by eating fermented foods (like sauerkraut and kimchi) and lots of fresh vegetables.  Also, supplementation with a potent full-spectrum probiotic blend like Super Shield PLUS can help repopulate your precious microbiome and keep it in a healthier balance.   

Natural depression solution #8: Check your medicine cabinet 

Many medications can cause or worsen depression including: 

  • Anticonvulsants 
  • Barbiturates 
  • Benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety meds such as Ativan, Klonopin, Librium, Valium and Xanax) 
  • Beta-blockers for high blood pressure (including Lopressor, Tenormin and Coreg) 
  • Bromocriptine (for Parkinson’s)
  • Calcium-channel blockers for high blood pressure (such as Cardizem, Tiazac and Procardia) 
  • Estrogens such as Premarin and Prempro 
  • Antibiotics including Cipro and Floxin 
  • Interferon alpha for cancers 
  • Norplant for birth control 
  • Opioids (including codeine, morphine, Demerol, Percodan and OxyContin) 
  • Statins (Mevacor, Zocor, Lescol and Lipitor) 
  • Zovirax (to treat shingles and herpes) 

If you are on any of these medications and are depressed, I URGE you to talk to your doctor about alternatives.  And if he or she won’t listen to your concerns, get another doctor who will.  There are plenty of wonderful doctors out there who will hear you out and consider different ways to help.   

To your health, 

Sherry Brescia 


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1 comment

  • You did not list Crestor under your list of statins. Is it not included for a reason?

    Yvonne on

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