A very preventable cause of chronic disease
I remember having a conversation with a woman who told me how fortunate she felt to be in good health in her early 60's. This is how she described "good health": Her cholesterol stayed under 200 with Crestor Her blood pressure was controlled with amlodipine Omeprazole kept her acid reflux at bay Metformin brought her A1C down to < 6% THAT'S good health? This woman is anything BUT healthy. What she has is a chemically...

Did you know about this hidden danger of acid reflux?
April is National Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. And although I’m not a big fan of “awareness” events because they are typically a lot of hoopla and not much more, this one deserves mention. Because there is a distinct “string of events” that can lead to esophageal cancer, and the first of those is a condition that affects a whopping 66 million Americans. Acid reflux. AKA GERD. Here’s what happens: It all starts with heartburn!...

I was disgusted when I heard this…and you should be too
Someone very dear to me (I’ll call her “Rachel”) went to the doctor recently for a few problems she’s been having, and when she told me about her appointment, I was disgusted. Here’s a little background information: Rachel has been under great stress over the last several months. She lost her job and has had difficulty finding another. She has been doing temp work but is having financial challenges due to the reduction in...

Does this sound like you? If so, read this.
15% Site-Wide Sale Continues! Nothing gives me more gratification than to guide someone with their diet and supplement regimen and hear them say, “I feel so much better!” The human body is an incredible creation, and it can make an enormous difference when you support its state of health and proper functioning. But sadly, some people don’t know where to start or that different options even exist! Instead they are told by their doctors...

Got heartburn? Acid reflux? Don’t do this!
Current estimates show that a whopping 75 percent of Americans suffer from digestive issues. So in other words, you’re an oddball if you DON’T have stomach problems. Among the most common complaints are heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, burping and belching. Now, it would seem logical to first look at what someone is eating (or drinking) as a possible underlying cause… But when you’re talking about modern medicine, logic isn’t always prevalent. Our docs are...
- Tags: acid reflux, Healthy Eating, Heartburn, PPI

Could this be causing your gas and heartburn?
I think it’s safe to say that we have no shortage of people who are bloated, belching, burping, blocked up, and can play the Star-Spangled Banner with their flatulence. In fact, an astonishing 74 percent (three out of four) of us suffer either occasional or chronic (as in every day) digestive problems. The pharmaceutical industry squeals with delight as they tally up the profits from their sales of laxatives, stool softeners, acid reducers, antacids,...