Holistic Blends Blog


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Are your meds making you sicker?

Are your meds making you sicker?

  Although there are times when medications are necessary and appropriate, as a society we’ve gone way overboard and are increasingly relying on drugs to “create health” for us. I’ve heard people say things like they are in “good health” because their blood pressure is controlled with beta blockers, their cholesterol is under 200 with statins, proton pump inhibitors keep their acid reflux quiet, and sedatives help them sleep. THAT’S good health? No—that’s a chemically...

Sep 05, 2024 0 comments

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Are people everywhere losing it or what?

Are people everywhere losing it or what?

  Is it my imagination, or are people more filled with road rage and aggression than ever before? I can recall several instances over the last five years or so where I’ve been driving on an interstate highway and have witnessed one or more cut-offs, flip-offs, tailgates, weaving, passing on the right and other acts of aggression. I even saw an SUV pass someone on the shoulder of the road on I-95 because the person...

Aug 26, 2024 0 comments

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When this happened, I saw stars!

When this happened, I saw stars!

  Important announcement regarding office hours at the end Please DO NOT skip If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you probably know that I can be considered a “fitness nut” LOL. And there’s a good reason for that! I have worked out my entire adult life and I cannot stress enough the incredible health benefits from my exercise habits—including normal blood pressure, easily maintaining my weight, sound sleep, combatting stress and high...

Aug 21, 2024 0 comments

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These can either make or break your health

These can either make or break your health

    If you went to the doctor and reported having insomnia, chances are good you’d walk out with a prescription for sleeping pills. Or if you mentioned feeling depressed, you may get an antidepressant. If you complained about indigestion, acid reducers may be in your future. But there is a common underlying cause for all of these health issues (and many more) that NONE of the prescription drugs in the world can touch—and in...

Aug 09, 2024 0 comments

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A concerning trend that’s on the rise

A concerning trend that’s on the rise

    After being in the health field for the last few decades, I’ve pretty much seen and heard it all. But what troubles me is the fact that there are current trends in health that I am observing that go from mildly disturbing to downright shocking. As my karate fighting teacher used to tell me, I have a steel-trap memory…and I can vividly remember times in the not-so-distant past when we weren’t so darn...

Aug 07, 2024 0 comments

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One thing you simply cannot ignore!

One thing you simply cannot ignore!

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 42-year career in the health field, it’s this: Our bodies are FAR smarter than we give them credit for, and your body will let you know what it needs and when it needs it. The key here is that you have to listen! For example, when your body needs nutrients, you feel hunger. When it needs rest, you feel tired. When it’s repairing an injury,...

Jul 29, 2024 0 comments

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