What is Diverticular disease?
Diverticular disease is the collective term for the conditions known as diverticulosis and diverticulitis.
Diverticulosis is the presence of pea-sized pouches or protrusions (diverticula) in the colon wall. Diverticulitis occurs when one or more diverticula become infected.
Causes of Diverticular disease
Diverticula can form as a result of constipation, straining to have bowel movements, obesity and aging.
A diverticulitis attack occurs when harmful bacteria, feces or food particles get lodged in one or more diverticula, causing inflammation and infection. This is typically due to poor digestion, chronic constipation or harmful bacteria overgrowth in the intestinal tract.
Symptoms of Diverticular disease
Diverticulosis typically does not cause any symptoms. The most common symptoms of diverticulitis are gas, severe abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Symptoms can also include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting and rectal bleeding.
Long-term effects of Diverticular disease
The long-term effects of diverticulitis can include excessive bleeding; abscess in the colon; peritonitis (a potentially life-threatening inflammation in the abdominal wall); fistulas (abnormal tunnels between organs); and intestinal obstruction (a partial or total blockage of the intestines).

Natural remedies for Diverticular disease
Food combining has been shown to help support more efficient digestion and elimination of wastes, which in turn can help prevent diverticulitis attacks. Food combining centers on pairing foods together that require similar digestive enzymes to ease the overall burden on the GI tract and encourage better digestion.
Super Shield Plus Multi-Strain Probiotic Formula can help ease gas and bloating, promote more efficient digestion and regular BMs, and support a healthy intestinal flora balance.
Other helpful measures include concentrating on fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to help prevent constipation, getting regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy bodyweight.
Note there is no evidence to support the notion that people with diverticular disease need to avoid nuts, seeds or corn.