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Let's Talk About Super Shield PLUS

Let's Talk About Super Shield PLUS

Super Shield PLUS is a potent 15-strain, 20 billion CFU multi-strain formula that is highly effective for people with chronic, inflammatory or longstanding digestive problems. These include conditions such as diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, leaky gut, chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Also, some people may not realize this, but 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut microbiome, so the health of your immune system (and its ability to respond like...

May 29, 2024 0 comments

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Why are rates of this disease soaring?

Why are rates of this disease soaring?

  If you are an adult in the US, chances are good that you may have a quiet, sneaky disease lurking inside of you and you have no clue that there’s a problem. This disease often doesn’t cause symptoms.  But lo and behold, when it does, there will be no doubt in your mind that something is seriously wrong. I’m talking about diverticular disease.   Diverticular disease is the umbrella term used to describe the conditions...

May 15, 2023 3 comments

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This disease didn’t exist 100 years ago—now it’s exploding!

This disease didn’t exist 100 years ago—now it’s exploding!

  If you are an adult living in in the US or a similar “Westernized” country, chances are good you already have or soon will develop a sly, silent and rather common disease.  This condition quietly progresses and waits like a spider…then when it rears its ugly head, you quickly find yourself flat on your back (or in surgery). I’m talking about diverticulosis.  Here’s what you need to know about this “silent” condition that is...

Feb 01, 2021 5 comments

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Rates of this “silent” disease are increasing

Rates of this “silent” disease are increasing

If you are an adult living in America chances are good you are or soon will be hosting a sneaky, silent disease that lies dormant, but can eventually rear its ugly head and leave you flat on your back (or on the operating table).  I’m talking about diverticulitis.  Here’s what you need to know about this “silent” condition that is anything BUT silent when it strikes you.

Jun 15, 2017 4 comments

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