Got back pain? Here’s how to feel better now!
September is National Pain Awareness Month, and I can’t help but shake my head at that title… because anyone that suffers from chronic or even occasional pain is certainly very well aware of it. And by far one of the most common and widespread types of pain is BACK PAIN! It seems we all have back pain at one time or another and that includes yours truly. Even though I do martial arts and...

Does this sound like you? If so, read this.
15% Site-Wide Sale Continues! Nothing gives me more gratification than to guide someone with their diet and supplement regimen and hear them say, “I feel so much better!” The human body is an incredible creation, and it can make an enormous difference when you support its state of health and proper functioning. But sadly, some people don’t know where to start or that different options even exist! Instead they are told by their doctors...

10 ways to stop back pain without dangerous drugs
I’m very excited to announce that my daughter Danielle is getting married this weekend! It’s hard to believe my baby (and my firstborn) is all grown up…and yes, I will be shedding many tears! There will be a party at my house, so needless to say, I’ve been running around like a madwoman this past week cleaning, doing yardwork and decorating. So…I wasn’t entirely surprised when I got some back pain last night. Even...

This will fuel the opioid crisis for sure
It’s no secret that we are in the midst of an opioid crisis.
Over 130 people in the US die every DAY from opioid-related drug overdoses—that’s over 40,000 people each year!
But unfortunately, the latest action by the FDA is going to do nothing but make this problem worse—not better.
- Tags: Addiction, Back Pain, Medications, Opioids, Pain, pain relief

Got back pain? 10 ways to stop it without painkillers!
- Tags: anti-inflammatory, Back Pain, Pain

Super effective remedies for back pain
Nearly nine out of 10 of us will suffer back pain at least once in our lives, so the odds are pretty good that your number will come up at some point.
Chronic back pain is one of the most common types of pain and one of the top 10 reasons people consult a doctor.
- Tags: Back Pain