Holistic Blends Blog


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Going gray? Here’s why (and how you fight it)

Going gray? Here’s why (and how you fight it)

  I’d like to talk today about what has been considered one of the inevitabilities of life. Gray hair. Ah, yes. Few subjects will make a woman cringe as much as the thought of going gray, and the hair color industry is very happy that you feel that way. Of course, men go gray too, but it’s long been said that gray hair makes a man look distinguished and a woman look old. I’ll let...

Oct 02, 2024 0 comments

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10 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore

10 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore

  I would suspect that most people don’t wish to overreact to every little ache, pain and symptom that may pop up and instead try to “wait it out” and hope that the issue resolves itself. But there are certain signals your body may be giving you that you definitely should not ignore. Although some of the possible causes behind these symptoms can be relatively minor, they may also mean something more serious that should...

Sep 30, 2024 0 comments

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Do you get enough of these longevity nutrients?

Do you get enough of these longevity nutrients?

  Today is my birthday and while the thought of turning 62 can be a bit unsettling, I am thankful for all of my incredible blessings—my family, my cats, my God, the martial arts, and of course, great health! I love being able to say that I’m in my 60s, take no medications, easily maintain my weight, have boatloads of energy and can still run and do full-contact sparring…and I have no intention of stopping...

Aug 30, 2024 0 comments

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When this happened, I saw stars!

When this happened, I saw stars!

  Important announcement regarding office hours at the end Please DO NOT skip If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you probably know that I can be considered a “fitness nut” LOL. And there’s a good reason for that! I have worked out my entire adult life and I cannot stress enough the incredible health benefits from my exercise habits—including normal blood pressure, easily maintaining my weight, sound sleep, combatting stress and high...

Aug 21, 2024 0 comments

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Have you been misled? Take this quiz to find out!

Have you been misled? Take this quiz to find out!

  In a perfect world, the best information on how to stay healthy and prevent disease would be all around us. No matter what health agency or practitioner you consulted, their advice would be truthful and centered on safety and effectiveness, with no influence or bias in any way. Hopefully, you realize we don’t live in a perfect world and much of the information we are exposed to is at best not 100 percent accurate...

Jul 17, 2024 0 comments

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Not for men only—women need this too!

Not for men only—women need this too!

  When most people hear “testosterone” they think “libido in men.” That’s accurate--testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. But there’s much more to it than that. Plus it’s not limited to just men—women have it in their bodies too, but at much lower levels. Let’s look at all that testosterone does for BOTH men and women, and how you can help safely and naturally boost your levels if you are running low. Testosterone—the complete...

Jun 26, 2024 0 comments

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