Butter or margarine? Which is healthier?


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Butter or margarine?  Which is healthier?


It’s been said that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.

I see this playing out all the time in my career as a nutrition coach, especially when the subject of fats comes up with my clients.

I am reminded time and again that the average person is completely clueless about fats, particularly when it comes to butter and margarine.

But the thing is, it’s not really their fault!  Instead, they have heard (marketing) lies over and over and come to accept them as truth. 

In this case, the manufacturers of vegetable oils and margarine, as well as the American Heart Association (which has the US Canola Association and the US Soybean Board on their Nutrition Advisory Panel, so you can guess who may be swaying their “recommendations”) have all done an excellent job at brainwashing people into thinking saturated fats like butter are bad and cause heart disease.

Tell it like it is

If you are of the mindset that butter is bad and margarine is healthy, you’re not alone.

So, I’m going to tell it like it is.

To make the differences between butter and margarine abundantly clear, I’ve created the table below so you can see for yourself, once and for all, that you’ve been lied to, and then you’ll know the truth.





Butter is created when cow’s milk or cream is churned.  There is evidence that butter has been used in cuisines for over 4,000 years.

Margarine starts with vegetable oils that are extracted by high temperatures which turns them rancid, emulsifiers are added, they are steamed to remove their horrendous odor, bleached to remove gray coloring, molded into tubs or sticks, and sold as a “healthy” food.

Nutrient content

Butter is naturally rich in numerous essential nutrients, including vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as manganese, chromium, iodine, zinc, copper and selenium.

Margarine contains NO naturally occurring nutrients.  Some manufacturers add synthetic vitamins A and D.

Antioxidant properties

Butter is a powerful antioxidant, providing a rich source of carotene, and vitamins A and E.  These all protect against heart disease as well as cancer.     

Margarine contains NO antioxidants.  On the contrary, it contains oxidized polyunsaturated fats (created when the oils are heated in the manufacturing process) and omega-6 inflammatory fats.  These raise your risk of heart disease and cancer.

GMO content

Butter is not derived from GMO ingredients.

Margarine is derived from vegetable oils from plants such as safflower, sunflower, soybean and cottonseed, many of which are genetically modified and contain the cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp).


As a naturally stable saturated fat, butter requires no preservatives.

BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) is typically added to margarine to ensure longer shelf life.  BHT has been linked to cancer and tumors in lab studies.

Heart health

It is inflammation that is the main culprit behind heart disease—not the saturated fat found in butter!  Plus your heart relies on saturated fats during times of stress!

Margarine contains omega-6 fats which stir up inflammation, thereby increasing your risk of heart disease.

Various other health benefits

The vitamin A found in butter boosts the immune system, supports thyroid health and protects against cancer; its carotene supports eye health; its rare hormone-like substance (Wulzen Factor) protects against arthritis; and its minerals enhance bone health.

Margarine is devoid of nutrients and therefore provides no health benefits.


See the difference?

Nature will NEVER lie to you!

When it comes to knowing what’s best for you and your health, rely on Nature, my friend.  It will never lie to you.

Here are two of the best ways you can start relying on Nature to enhance your health!

1- Rely on the farmer—not the pharmacist

See what a difference it can make to use food as your medicine with the right diet and sound digestion!

I can guide you through this important step with my Great Taste No Pain health system.

Great Taste No Pain stresses the importance of wholesome real foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, meats, poultry and fish, real butter and healthy fats. 

Plus it teaches you the science of food combining which shows you how to pair foods together in your meals to pave the way for smooth, comfortable digestion.

This is crucial because if your digestion is poor, in addition to gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation being your regular companions, you will not be absorbing nutrients like you should, and that sets the stage for disease to come knocking.

With Great Taste No Pain you'll also get menu suggestions, and a collection of delicious, easy recipes that make eating for great health thoroughly enjoyable!

Now, if weight loss is your main goal or on board to be your New Year’s resolution, then my Want to Lose Weight? Stop Dieting! program is just what you need!

Want to Lose Weight? Stop Dieting! contains the same food combining guidance as in Great Taste No Pain, plus it guides you on how to adopt the exercise program that is right for you, and educates you many sneaky outside factors that may be slowing your weight loss and how to overcome them.

2- Support your gut microbiome

Processed foods (like margarine) can be murder on your gut microbiome, as can many common pharmaceutical drugs including antibiotics, acid reducers, pain medications, antidepressants and steroids.

The beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract house 70 percent of your immune system as well as help keep your digestion smooth and efficient.

So, if you're lacking a strong, healthy population of helpful microbes in your gut, your digestion is most assuredly compromised, and your immune function may be weakened—so you are without its vital protection against disease.

In addition to having a healthy diet of natural real foods, supplementation with a potent multi-strain probiotic like Super Shield PLUS multi-strain probiotic formula can go a long way in supporting a healthy gut environment.

Super Shield PLUS's 15 high-quality strains and 20 billion CFUs of potent friendly bacteria are ready to help strengthen your gut wall, enhance your digestion, encourage regular BMs and beef up your immune system.

Now you are on your way to better health NATURALLY!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia 

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  • I certainly agree with you. However, I cannot tolerate dairy (proteins in milk) so I use Ghee when possible but sometimes have to resort to margarine if I am eating out. Any suggestions?

    Joyce on

  • Does anyone actually think margarine is healthy any more? So many margarine companies have disappeared. Country Crock anyone?

    David S Campbell on

  • We have been conned for decades.you are so rightSherry.
    Butter is best. Eggs were condemned also. All lies and misinformation

    Cherrill Suckling on

  • Very informative and brilliant message.

    Jay on

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