The 3rd certainty in life


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The 3rd certainty in life

Jan 11, 2021 1 comment
The 3rd certainty in life


Benjamin Franklin once said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

I'll add a third certainty onto that:

There is NO "magic pill" that fixes everything for you.

I say this because over the last 10 days or so I’ve been inundated with questions about what I call “magic pills”--weight loss gimmicks, wrinkle-erase face creams, belly fat burning pills, super muscle building formulas, you-name-it. 

You can tell New Year’s Resolutions are in high gear right now and people are anxiously looking for an easy way to attain their goals of losing weight, exercising more or just generally getting healthier.

Now, while certain “pills” (especially supplements) can be helpful to you in attaining your goals, you’ve also got to do the work involved—the pill won’t do that for you.  And reminding people of this is what makes me…

The bad guy

As a nutrition coach, I’m often the “bad guy” telling people what they don’t want to hear.

I can tell within the first 5 minutes of meeting with a client whether they will listen to me and follow my suggestions…or blow me off.

For example, if a client is constantly making excuses during a meeting with me, they’re a magic pill seeker.  I had one client recently who wanted to lose weight, but every time I suggested something, she had an excuse why she couldn’t do it.

Can you start getting some exercise?  Oh, they closed the gym near me.

Why not try going for a walk in the morning, at lunchtime or after dinner?  It’s too cold out.

How about a treadmill?  They’re too boring.

Can you work some more vegetables and salads into your meals?  Oh, my husband doesn’t like those.

How about trying to cut back on sweets?  I try, but then I get so stressed I can’t help myself! 

Then this same person asked me what I thought about a belly fat burning pill she came across. 

That, my friend, is the magic pill mentality.

Stop searching for magic pills!

If you saw yourself in my description above and are on an endless quest to find that magic pill, please stop that right now

Because all you’re doing is wasting time and money.

Oh, and not getting one ounce thinner or one bit healthier.

Instead, listen to what I say to you. 

Here are some tried and true strategies for your success toward a thinner, healthier you that you can take to the bank:

Diet is step one

Having a diet of real foods is a MUST.  Concentrate on meats, fish and poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats.  On the flip side, avoid refined carbs and sugars (including the poison in a can known as soda), processed garbage and fast food.

What you drink matters too!  While there’s nothing wrong with having a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, make (filtered) water your primary beverage.

If you need diet guidance, my Great Taste No Pain health system can help. 

Great Taste No Pain shows you which foods to pair together in your meals to encourage smoother digestion, and my recipes are the bomb!

Work in some form of movement

If you have even looked at Facebook or watched TV recently, you have time to exercise.  Admit it and stop making excuses.

Choose an activity that you like or can at least tolerate.  Brisk walking is a good start and practically anyone can do that.

Get an exercise buddy.  You’ll be far less likely to skip a workout if someone is counting on you to show up.  Or take the dog for a walk—he can be your buddy!

Get a treadmill or stationary bike and put a TV in front of it.  You can watch your favorite shows and burn calories! 

There are many ways to get exercise if you really want to.

Keep your gut microbiome balanced

Your gut determines your health from head to toe—it absorbs the nutrients your body needs to survive, eliminates dangerous wastes and toxins, houses 80 percent of your immune system and even makes 90 percent of your body’s serotonin (your natural antidepressant)!

But your microbiome is always taking a hit from things like sugar and refined carbs, medications, lacking sleep, stress and tap water.

Plus, your intestinal good guys are not “permanent residents” to begin with—they only “vacation” inside of you for 12 days or less! 

So, it’s vital to help keep your friendly gut flora population strong and healthy—and the best way to do that is with a full-spectrum, multi-strain probiotic formula like Super Shield!

Super Shield’s 13 strains of potent, friendly bacteria will help support a healthy microbiome balance, which in turn can pave the way for more regular BMs, less gas and bloating, and sharper immune function.

Note:  If you suspect your gut is in SERIOUS imbalance (i.e.: if you have leaky gut, suffer with IBS or IBD, have used antibiotics or acid reducers for a long time, or have had a longstanding diet high in refined carbs), you may need the power of Super Shield Plus probiotic formula to help rebuild and restore your microbiome.

Super Shield Plus provides a whopping 20 billion CFUs and 15 superstar strains to help turn around even the most topsy-turvy guts and restore a more optimal bacterial environment.  

Research everything

Don’t be a sheep, blindly believing everything you hear on the news and letting yourself be manipulated.

Keep in mind that 70-90 percent of the media’s revenues comes from pharmaceutical companies.  Let that sink in and use your imagination about their level of objectivity.

If you’re researching a product, look for studies that are not funded by the company that produces the product!  Follow the money if you are unsure.

And note that even search engines like Google receive pharma revenue, so if you want an objective search tool, try DuckDuckGo.

Ask questions

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask questions of your doctor!

A doctor should be your partner in health, and there are a good number of them that will gladly work with you and answer your questions or concerns.

This especially applies to medications!  There are many instances where a natural measure (such as fish oil or turmeric for inflammation) can be tried first before medications, or at least used in conjunction with the meds. 

If your doctor is not one of those, or if he/she makes you feel uncomfortable, stupid or refuses to discuss options for your care, find one who will.

Now you are truly on a path toward a slimmer, healthier YOU—and no more magic pills!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Is there a correlation between the consumption of eggs and advancement of prostate cancer.

    Nmachi Abengowe on

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