Got meds? Read this before you take them today.


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Got meds?  Read this before you take them today.


I have never heard of this before, but apparently October is National Talk About Prescriptions Month.

Good, because I have a lot to say about that subject, so I’ll jump right in.

Although there are times when medications are necessary, as a society (especially here in the US) we’ve gone WAAAY overboard and are increasingly relying on drugs to “create health” for us.

The numbers prove it.  Currently the CDC reports that 82 percent of Americans take at least one medication per day, with the average number being four, and nearly 30 percent of us take five or more!  A child born today can expect to spend at least half of their life taking prescription medication.

And although we as a country comprise only 5 percent of the world’s population, we take 75 percent of the world’s prescription drugs!

All I can say is the relentless advertisements on TV, on “health” (pharma-sponsored) websites like WebMD and in magazines telling you to, “Ask your doctor if XYZ drug is right for you” have been very effective, haven’t they?

But all this drugging comes with a very dear price, over and above the “common side effects”—because now we’re facing more serious adverse reactions too.

Currently the CDC reports adverse drug reactions cause approximately 1.3 million emergency room visits and 350,000 hospitalizations each year.

And sadly over 100,000 deaths have resulted every year as well. 

Running on the white coat treadmill

Drug companies HEAVILY influence the curriculums in our medical schools, so our doctors are carefully manipulated into thinking that drugs are the only viable treatment option, and everything else (like nutrition, healthy habits and traditional therapies like acupuncture) is quackery. 

This produces a situation that I call “running on the white coat treadmill.”

It happens when you are given a drug for a health problem, but it causes side effects, so you go back to the doctor and get a second drug for the side effects.  But then the second drug causes side effects, so you go back to the doctor and are given a third drug to combat the side effects of the second.

And so forth.

So it’s not surprising that we’re seeing the statistics I quoted above, is it?

But wait—there’s more!

In addition to side effects and adverse reactions, drugs can also rob your body of essential nutrients.  And since most diseases have their roots in one or more nutrient deficiencies, it can be argued that prescription drugs actually CAUSE disease!

Here is the devastating nutritional impact of 7 commonly prescribed drugs:

1- Statins

Statins deplete your body of vitamin D. 

Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, proper immune function, it protects against heart disease and cancer, and encourages healthy lung function.

Plus, statins inhibit your body’s ability to synthesize Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)—an essential antioxidant for your heart. 

2- Acid reducers

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) severely reduce your magnesium level.

Magnesium is needed for digestion, building RNA and DNA, and proper insulin production (an important note for diabetics). 

It’s also vital for heart and bone health, a properly functioning nervous system and a strong immune system.

3- Antibiotics

Antibiotics diminish your body’s levels of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and K.  They can also sap calcium and iron, and block your absorption of minerals.

In addition, all antibiotics destroy your gut microbiome, which can spur poor digestion and weaken immune function.

4- Type 2 diabetes drugs

Diabetes drugs can lead to reduced vitamin B12 levels. 

B12 is essential for red and white blood cell production, generating energy, lowering blood levels of homocysteine (a heart disease risk) and brain and nervous system health.

5- Thyroid medications

Synthetic thyroid medications deplete your body of zinc. 

Zinc is essential for immune function, heart health, a strong gut wall, and it protects against Alzheimer’s.

6- Hypertension drugs

Diuretics reduce your body’s supplies of magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and zinc.

And beta blockers drain your supply of CoQ10, which is crucial for heart health.   

7- Birth Control Pills

Like antibiotics, birth control pills can also harm your gut microbiome. 

Wake up to the truth before it’s too late!

If you saw yourself in anything I said above, it’s time to wake up to the truth before it’s too late.

Drug companies only care about profits—your health (and life) be damned. 

Think of it this way--every single major drug company has been fined billions of dollars at one time or another for suppressing, destroying or fudging data that show dangerous side effects of a drug, or downplaying the potential for harm.   

In other words, every single drug company is a convicted felon.

It’s up to YOU

If you want to see what REAL health looks like, then it’s up to you to take action. 

Here are the 4 most significant measures you can take toward preventing or saying goodbye to a sickly, diseased, medicated, side effect-suffering, and nutrient-depleted existence:

Eat for health

There's no getting around it.  If you want anything that resembles health, you MUST eat nutritious real foods.

“Real foods” are foods that do not come with a bar code and a list of chemicals you can’t pronounce.  Real foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, poultry, wild-caught fish, eggs, and healthy fats like real butter (never margarine), coconut oil and olive oil. 

What you drink matters too, and your primary beverage should be filtered water. 

Bring your gut back into balance

Processed foods and refined carbs (which are so prevalent in our typical diets) are murder on your gut microbiome, as are many medications.

Since your gut houses 80 percent of your immune system, the protection of these intestinal inhabitants is NOT something you can afford to be without!

A full-spectrum, multi-strain probiotic supplement like Super Shield can help ensure your body has a health-supporting population of these helpful microbes.

Super Shield’s carefully selected blend of 13 potent, robust probiotic strains and 7.25 billion CFUs helps maintain your friendly flora population so it can better protect you, as well as encourage more regular BMs and less gas and bloating.

Note that if you’ve had a long history of BM problems or have been on antibiotics or birth control pills, you may benefit from the additional potency of Super Shield PLUS

Super Shield PLUS provides 15 probiotic strains and 20 billion CFUs to help restore a healthier microbiome balance and counteract the harmful effects of the drugs.

Shake your booty

It’s crucial to get some form of exercise on most days—even a brief walk counts! 

You can also squeeze in exercise by taking little measures such as parking far from the door at the mall (as long as it’s safe, of course), doing push-ups, sit-ups or squats during commercials while you watch TV, or taking the stairs instead of the escalator.

Just get your doctor’s OK before you begin an exercise program.

Reduce stress

Stress is harmful to your health in countless ways, including destroying your helpful intestinal microbes!

Do whatever you need to do, keeping in mind that both exercise and acupuncture are excellent ways to combat stress.

You CAN make a difference…NOW

Sad as it is to say, our current state of "health" is NOT health at all!

But you can make a difference in your health.

Do it now—you’ll never regret it.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia


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