Why you’re always hungry (and how to stop it!)


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Why you’re always hungry (and how to stop it!)


In the midst of the Coronavirus quarantines, there is an abundance of memes popping up on social media making jokes about people eating constantly out of boredom.

But for some people, being hungry all the time is no laughing matter and has nothing to do with staying home—it’s their reality.

If that includes you, here are some surprising reasons why your inner dinner bell might be clanging way too often…and how you can help turn that around (and drop any extra pounds too!).

Why you’re always hungry (and how to stop it)

1- You’re thirsty

Many people think that they’re hungry when they’re actually thirsty

Here are a few ways you can tell the difference:

  • Next time you feel hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water and see if your “hunger” subsides.
  • If your urine is dark yellow and opaque at any time other than first thing in the morning, chances are excellent you’re dehydrated and thirsty.
  • If Ronald Reagan was President last time you drank a glass of water, and your beverages of choice are coffee, beer, wine and soda, trust me—your body needs water.

Make sure you’re drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of filtered water each day. 

2- You’re eating too much salt

Heavy salt intake is usually associated with excessive thirst, but it can also stir up hunger!

Reducing your salt intake is not as mysterious as it seems.  For many people, the problem lies not in your tabletop salt shaker but instead in how many processed foods you consume!

Processed foods are notorious for containing copious amounts of both salt and sugar, so the more you avoid them, the less salt your body will have to deal with.

3- You’re PMSing

The hormonal changes associated with PMS trigger your appetite and cravings, especially for refined carbohydrates.

In order to help curb your cravings and even out your blood sugar, be sure to concentrate on complex (not refined) carbs like legumes and vegetables, plus proteins like meats, cheese, eggs and nuts. 

4- You’re a diet soda lover

Most people who drink diet soda think they’re doing something good for their waistline.  After all, it’s got zero calories, right?

Well, what you’re actually doing is sending false messages to your brain!

When your brain senses the sweetness of the soda it thinks that calories will follow.  When they don’t, your brain starts to DEMAND them—and you feel hungry as a result.

The answer here is obvious—lay off soda (both diet and regular). 

5- You’re stressed

Your body’s biological response to stress (whether physical or mental) is the “fight or flight” reaction. 

Your adrenal glands release adrenaline to raise your heart rate, put glucose into your bloodstream and increase your respiration.

Then cortisol is released to help keep you going and refuel your body.  As part of that, it makes you hungry so you can replace nutrients you may have used up in your stressful event. 

This is fine if your stress is temporary and short-lived.  But when you’re chronically stressed day in and day out, this mechanism operates in overdrive…and can give you a nagging appetite as a result.

If chronic stress is a problem for you, it’s time to chill out—do whatever works for you.  Measures like massage, deep breathing, prayer, meditation, acupuncture, exercise, taking up a hobby and even adopting a pet have all been shown to help.

Also, peppermint and lavender essential oils can help combat stress and anxiety too.  Our exclusive collection of Holistic Blends essential oils includes both of these outstanding oils!

6- Side effects of your medications

Certain medications can cause increased appetite, including allergy meds, insulin, steroids, certain blood pressure drugs and anti-depressants.

If you’re on any medications, check the literature and see if increased appetite is a side effect.  If so, talk to your doctor about alternatives (preferably natural alternatives).

For example, full-spectrum probiotic formulas like Super Shield have been shown to help curb allergy symptoms and eliminate constipation. 

Fish oil supplements like VitalMega-3 have been medically proven to help lower blood pressure. 

The herb mastic gum in our GastroBeCalm Blend is very effective against heartburn and ulcers.

And turmeric (found in our Optimal Turmeric Blend) is fast emerging as an anti-inflammatory superstar and is very helpful against inflammatory pain!

7- You don’t get enough sleep

Lacking sleep has been linked to higher levels of the hormone ghrelin, which can trigger hunger. 

Plus, when you're sleep deprived, you’re more likely to choose sugary, refined carbohydrates to help provide a quick rush of glucose for energy.  This can put you into a yo-yo of sugar highs and lows and perpetuate your cravings. 

The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night.  If you’re getting less than that, it’s time to hit the hay earlier.

 8- Your thyroid is out of whack

While most people are familiar with underactive thyroid (and the tiredness and weight gain that typically accompany it), having an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can rev up your metabolism and cause increased hunger. 

Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism include a racing heart, changes in your menstrual patterns, hair loss, tremors, sweating and fatigue.

If you suspect your thyroid is out of whack, see a doctor for testing.  Request that he perform a TRH Stimulation test.

 9- You may be diabetic

Having undiagnosed and/or uncontrolled diabetes makes it difficult for your body to get blood sugar (glucose) to the areas that need it.  As a result, your body might think it’s starving and—you guessed it—trigger your appetite as a result.

 If you haven’t had routine bloodwork in a while, see your doctor and get your blood sugar levels tested.

10- You’re undernourished

Your body's hunger signal can be triggered by a lack of nutrients--not merely a physical absence of food in your stomach. 

So, if you're eating lots of nutrient-poor processed and fast foods, you are very likely undernourished and repeatedly sounding off your inner dinner bell.  Of special concern here is lacking protein and fiber, both of which are essential to your good health and help fill you up and keep you full! 

In addition, if your digestion is dicey, you may not be absorbing nutrients as well as you should!

The more you concentrate on wholesome real foods, the better nourished you will be—and less likely to snack or overeat.

To help encourage better digestion, here are 2 ways to help:

- Make your meals easier for your system to digest.  My Great Taste No Pain system can show you what foods to pair together for dramatically improved digestion, and less gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation too!  And you’ll just LOVE the delicious recipes too.

- A digestive enzyme supplement like Digestizol Max can give your body a helpful enzyme boost, which is especially important if you’ve had gallbladder or gastric surgery, use acid reducers, are elderly or have been a lover of processed or fast foods most of your life.

Now you know what may be causing your constant hunger—so get to work on controlling that appetite (and losing those stubborn excess pounds!) now. 

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Hi Barbara,

    High Fructose Corn Syrup and Coryn Syrup alike should be avoided as much as possible. They are similar to one another and both are very acidic to body.

    We hope this helps!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • Hi Vickie!

    Yes, many people on acid reducers take digestive enzymes to help improve digestion and nutrient absorption. You’d simply take one capsule at the beginning of the meal and it would do the work for you!

    We hope this helps!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • Question:I check ingredients in items I need. Could the flack on hi fructose corn syrup have changed the ingredients to just ‘corn syrup’ Such as some ice creams.Items with only corn syrup.??

    BArbara HUrd on

  • Good advice! I drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day, more like 9 or 10. I have pitcher with a filter that I use for my drinking water.

    Sarah on

  • I have all your reading material…I am on 2 different acid reducers for barrettes esophagus…I have been on them for awhile…and I am doing well…but if I wanted to take digestizol max…can I take that while taking my acid reducers as well….i want to be safe….

    vickie on

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