My recent experience with the flu


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My recent experience with the flu

Mar 21, 2018 0 comments
My recent experience with the flu

My son Mick recently came down with the flu.

And if you listen to the fear mongering that’s going on, you’d think it’s amazing that he actually lived to tell about it. 

As a matter of fact, he was perfectly fine after a few days of rest, fluids, vitamins C, E and D, and probiotics.

I’m sharing this experience with you so I can hopefully open your eyes to the manipulation that is taking place with respect to the flu (and other illnesses), all in the interest of pushing pharmaceutical products.

Here’s what happened:

A bad cold got worse

Mick started with cold symptoms—stuffy nose, congested, coughing.  He’s a college student, so he is around viruses and infections all the time! 

Plus he had been studying for long hours for his midterms, so he was tired, worn out and a bit stressed—all of which weaken your immune function and make you more susceptible to illness.    

Three days later he developed a fever and body aches, so I suspected something else was up.

We went to Urgent Care and the doctor said he probably has the flu. 


I asked that he be tested—how can you possibly make a diagnosis without testing? 

It’s positive—here’s your Tamiflu!

Mick’s test came back positive for influenza B, and the doctor handed me a prescription for Tamiflu.

I said, “You’ve heard about the horrible adverse reactions to Tamiflu being reported, right?”

He mumbled, “Yeah, I seem to remember hearing that a couple kids had a reaction.  But we haven’t gotten any reports of problems here.”

Oh, so I guess it’s OK then.  I’ll play Russian roulette with my son.  Not.

I pointed out that Tamiflu has been shown to shorten the duration of flu symptoms by fewer than 17 measly hours, and with it you run the risk of convulsions, brain infections, psychosis, hallucinations and other neuropsychiatric problems.

We proceeded to walk out of Urgent Care—without the Tamiflu prescription.

From minor to deadly

An interesting phenomenon occurs when a vaccine is developed for a specific virus.

Suddenly that virus becomes DEADLY—and your only hope of salvation is vaccination.

For example, when I was a kid, the measles, mumps and chickenpox were all normal, minor childhood illnesses from which the vast majority of children (including myself) recovered with rest and fluids.

I remember there were chickenpox “parties” on my block—when one kid would come down with them, all the neighborhood mothers would send their kids over to play, so we could all catch them and “get them over with.”

Now? These illnesses are treated like the reincarnation of the bubonic plague.

But what most people don’t realize is that the death rates from these minor childhood infections were basically zero BEFORE any vaccines were introduced!

The reduction in mortality came from improved sanitation, hygiene and nutrition—not a needle.

Is the flu as deadly as they say?

No, it’s not.

First of all, only about 20 percent of all flu-like illnesses that occur are actually influenza.  Many respiratory illnesses are simply labeled “flu” without any flu testing being done! 

Plus in many cases of death, especially in the elderly, “flu” is cited as the cause, when in fact death was caused by pneumonia or a combination of chronic illnesses.

The actual statistics for 2013 from the CDC’s website show total deaths due to influenza and pneumonia as 56,979. 

But when you drill down further into the statistics you see that 53,282 of those deaths were due to pneumonia and 3,697 due to influenza.

That means that in 2013, you had about 1/1,000th of a percent chance of dying from the flu. 

Note the CDC’s site no longer breaks down the pneumonia and flu death totals. The final 2016 numbers only show 57,062 deaths from “influenza and pneumonia”—I could not locate a breakdown. 

Perhaps it’s easier to push flu shots showing a bigger number. 

What about flu shots?

Please do your homework here.  Start by reading a flu shot package insert and researching the ingredients. 

Flu shots contain aluminum (a potent neurotoxin that has been found in high concentrations in the brains of Alzheimer’s and autism patients), mercury (the deadliest neurotoxin known to man), and formaldehyde (a documented carcinogen).

In addition, adverse reactions are not “1 in a million.”  During 2017, 52,655 adverse reactions to vaccines were reported to VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), of which 10,813 were from flu shots. 

You can locate the VAERS data that I am quoting here:

Note that it is estimated that only about 10 percent of events are reported, so the actual number of reactions could be more like 526,550.

Flu shot reactions can include:

  • Encephalitis (brain inflammation)
  • Anaphylaxis (life-threatening allergic reaction)
  • Flu
  • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome—where your skin begins to blister and peel off, leaving raw areas. It can lead to dehydration, pneumonia, sepsis and organ failure.
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome—where your body’s immune system attacks your nerves, leading to paralysis.
  • Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis)
  • Convulsions
  • Seizures
  • Syncope (fainting)

A strong immune system is the key

Remember that when it comes to the flu as well as all other illnesses, a strong immune system is the key!

When you support your immune system and let it function like it was designed to, it is FAR less likely that you will have to worry about illness to begin with.

And even if you do get sick (like my son!) with a strong-functioning immune system, it can effectively fight off your infection or virus like it’s supposed to!

Here are five ways you can boost your immune system so it can better protect YOU:

Immune Booster #1: Probiotics

Nothing enhances your immune system like a helpful dose of the same beneficial bacteria that reside in your gut and house about 70 percent of that immune system!

The key is taking a probiotic supplement like Super Shield that has a wide variety of bacteria strains, since each strain has its own “specialty” in terms of how it supports your health.

Super Shield’s outstanding full-spectrum blend of 13 strains of potent bacteria has been enhancing the immune health (and digestion!) of people all over the world for nearly 10 years!

That’s quite a track record!

See for yourself how Super Shield can help support YOUR great health. 

Immune Booster #2: Vitamins C and E

Vitamin C boosts your immune system by helping to increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies. 

And vitamin E has been shown in studies to significantly increase T cell and B cell activity, thereby helping to make your immune system stronger!

Health supporting doses of both of these immune enhancing nutrients are in Super Core multi-vitamin and mineral formula.

In addition to a therapeutic blend of essential vitamins and minerals, Super Core also contains natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which also support strong health from head to toe.

Immune Booster #3: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important immune booster, but it’s also an effective antimicrobial agent on its own.  It produces up to 300 different antimicrobial peptides in your body that kill bacteria and viruses!

Plus vitamin D has been shown in studies to be more effective than flu shots!  As a matter of fact, vitamin D deficiency is being increasingly implicated as a cause of the flu.

And when it comes to vitamin D supplementation, nothing beats Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B!

Optimum DK Formula is a highly innovative product that combines the well-documented immune and bone-building support of vitamin D with the unique special assistance of vitamin K, which also supports bone health and has anti-tumor properties too!

Immune Booster #4: Reduce stress

Stress causes harmful changes to your gut microbes and impairs your immune functioning. 

So if chronic stress is an issue for you, it’s time to do what you must to chill out.  Ask for help if you need it, and keep in mind that regular exercise is the best stress reliever there is.

Immune Booster #5: Limit refined carbs and sugars

Refined carbs and sugars feed harmful microbes in your gut, which in turn can weaken your immune system functioning. 

Concentrate on meats, poultry, fish, fresh vegetables, eggs and healthy fats like butter, coconut oil and olive oil.

Your gut will say thank you many times over!

Treat your precious immune system like the gold that it is and it will return the favor and better protect YOU!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia


The information in our articles are NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and are not intended as medical advice.   

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