Do you get enough of this lifesaving substance?


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Do you get enough of this lifesaving substance?

If I were to tell you that a certain substance could reduce your risk of dying prematurely from any cause, would you be interested in knowing what it was?

How about if I also told you that this same substance also helps older adults remain free of disease, disability and physical limitations through their golden years?

And it reduces your risk of cancer and heart disease (our 2 main killers) at all ages?

Does that sound good to you?

Well, this seemingly magical lifesaving substance is none other than…


Here’s the scoop on fiber’s ever-growing list of ways it helps keep you healthy (and alive!), and why you definitely don’t want to be without its magic.

So much more than being regular

In addition to keeping things moving along smoothly when Nature calls, fiber’s impressive resume also includes these benefits:

  • Reduces your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer
  • Helps normalize your cholesterol level
  • Reduces the incidence of colon polyps and bowel diseases like diverticulitis
  • Helps prevent obesity by slowing the release of insulin and stored glucose in your bloodstream
  • Helps control blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes
  • Helps prevent appendicitis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins
  • Binds with toxins and heavy metals in your intestines and helps them get eliminated with your bowel movements
  • Eases IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms
  • Supports a healthy gut microbiome and strong immune function
  • Encourages healthy skin

We're grossly lacking

Although the recommended minimum daily fiber intake is 25-30 grams, the average person is lucky if they get a meager 14 or 15 grams a day. 

So it should be no surprise that we are a nation of blocked up, bloated, sickly people.

The 3 musketeers of fiber

There are 3 main types of fiber--Soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, and digestive-resistant starch. 

Soluble fiber is in the "meaty" part of fruits and vegetables as well as in beans, legumes, nuts and psyllium seeds.  It's the kind of fiber that is associated with lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes prevention. 

It also dissolves into a gel-like texture and keeps you fuller longer (so it helps with weight loss). 

Your body’s digestive enzymes don't actually break down soluble fiber--the friendly flora in your gut microbiome does that job. 

You get an added benefit here too--when your beneficial gut bacteria break down soluble fiber they release short-chain fatty acids.  These fatty acids help keep your colon wall strong (thereby preventing leaky gut) and can also help protect against cancer.

Insoluble fiber is like a broom to your gut.  Your body doesn't digest it, but it helps "push things along" and keeps your colon very healthy.  This type of fiber adds bulk to your stool and is typically what is responsible for improved BMs and fewer symptoms of bowel issues like Crohn's and IBS.

Insoluble fiber is found in foods like dark green leafy vegetables, green beans, celery and carrots.

Digestive-resistant starch is found in cooked potatoes and starchy fruits like bananas and mango.  Like insoluble fiber, it also adds bulk to your stool, plus it serves as a prebiotic to nourish your friendly gut flora.

We need more!  But get it from the right places

When people think “fiber,” pictures of Metamucil or Kellogg’s Total cereal automatically come to mind.

Not so fast!  Because these are not the best sources of fiber!

First of all, Metamucil® is a psyllium husk-based laxative.  Each dose contains a paltry 3 grams of fiber (about the same as an apple) which is FAR below the recommended 25-30 grams.

Plus remember it is a laxative which can be habit-forming, make your intestines sluggish and eventually make it difficult to have a bowel movement without it.

The cereal route is no better.

Breakfast cereals are loaded with refined carbs--which contribute to insulin resistance and obesity, are nutrient-poor and feed harmful microbes in your gut.

Plus even the “high-fiber” varieties only contain about 3 grams of fiber—again, about the same as an apple and far short of what you need. 

The best source of fiber

Get your fiber from real, nutrient-rich foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes. 

I must also caution you about whole grains.  Even though they too are good sources of fiber, much of our wheat crops and other grains are sprayed with glyphosate just before harvest, which in turn destroys your gut microbiome and contributes to disease!

Even small fiber-increasing steps in the right direction can be a big help:

  • Commit to eating a small tossed salad with dinner every day. Even lettuce with dressing counts!
  • Snack on carrot and celery sticks or sliced fresh fruit instead of chips or crackers.
  • If you are still hungry after you’ve eaten what’s on your plate, have seconds on vegetables.
  • Have oatmeal for breakfast instead of cereal.
  • Add a can of cannellini, black or kidney beans to your favorite soups or stews.

And if you want more ideas on how to get your fiber and ENJOY every single bite, then my Great Taste No Pain system is exactly what you need!

Great Taste No Pain gives you loads of delicious, mouth-watering recipes featuring nutritious, fiber-rich foods that will soon become your favorites.  You’ll be shocked at how tasty and enjoyable good-for-you foods can be!

Plus you’ll also learn how to structure your meals to promote easier, more efficient digestion. 

Bye-bye acid reflux, constipation and bloating!

But alas…the farting from fiber!

Many people shy away from fiber because it makes them gas bags. 

Well, what’s happening is this:  Your friendly gut flora is responsible for breaking down fiber, and it is designed to absorb most of the gas that is produced in the process. 

But the problem arises when you don't have a strong or healthy enough population of beneficial bacteria to do the job!  That’s when you find yourself blowing up and clearing out a room faster than if someone yells, “Fire!”

Never fear, because supplementation with a top-notch probiotic like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula can help turn that around for you and make sure your fiber gets broken down like it should…without the gas and bloating!

Super Shield’s 13 strains of superstar, well-studied bacteria are up to this important challenge, as well helping to support strong immune health, regular BMs and even maintaining healthy cholesterol levels!

Take advantage of Nature’s “health insurance policy”—FIBER—and reap the benefits well into your golden years!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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