Holistic Blends Blog


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Does meat eating cause diabetes?

Does meat eating cause diabetes?

Here we go again. I’ve just been reminded that sensationalism is still alive and well.
Another “study” has come out that trumpets a BOLD statement about diet and health, but when you dive deeper into the details, you see there are several holes and omissions.
This time it’s about meat eating and Type 2 diabetes.
Nov 02, 2018 3 comments

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The creepy crawlies inside of you

The creepy crawlies inside of you

Happy Halloween to you!
I thought today would be a good day to talk about a health subject that seems like a real-life horror movie.
I’m talking about creepy crawly creatures that are living inside of YOU—right now.
That’s right--while the thought of them makes a lot of people uncomfortable, the fact is, your body is home to trillions of microscopic little parasites.
Oct 31, 2018 7 comments

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Want to live a long life?  Make sure you do this

Want to live a long life? Make sure you do this

I think it’s safe to say that most of us don’t want to be pushing up daisies any time soon.
On the contrary—what many people say when asked what’s most important to them is good health and a long life!
Well, that’s certainly what our bodies were designed to achieve—but many factors can undermine your body’s innate ability to be healthy, and instead lead to sickness, disease and dying way before your time.
Oct 29, 2018 4 comments

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Don’t fall for the “flu season” hype (plus a new recipe for you)

Don’t fall for the “flu season” hype (plus a new recipe for you)

It’s that dreaded time of year again—"flu season.”
In other words, it’s the time of year when people get bombarded with ads EVERYWHERE and downright bullied into getting flu shots, with fear mongering being the tactic of choice.
But what most people don’t realize is that influenza (and other viruses) is in our environment 12 months a year—not just from fall to spring!
Oct 26, 2018 11 comments

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Is depression caused by inflammation?

Is depression caused by inflammation?

Depression affects an astounding 350 million people worldwide, and that includes about 22 million US adults.  Historically, depression has been viewed as a mental/psychiatric illness, with counseling or psychotherapy as the standard go-to treatment.
Oct 24, 2018 6 comments

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The taboo subject that most people dread

The taboo subject that most people dread

Few words in the English language conjure up as much dread as EXERCISE.
Alas, when the word exercise comes up, the excuses come out!
Many people claim to "not have the time." Yet they can tell you what happened on Criminal Minds or NCIS each week. The sad thing is, most excuse-makers also happen to be overweight, sick and medicated.

Oct 22, 2018 2 comments

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