What Tom Brady and I have in common


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What Tom Brady and I have in common

Feb 21, 2017 0 comments
What Tom Brady and I have in common

I read an article recently about New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, who many are calling the greatest quarterback of all time.  As a Green Bay Packers fan, it hurts me to say it, but the guy is immensely talented.

As I read the piece I learned that Tom and I have something in common.

No, I can’t thread the needle like he does, and I would guess he’s not a 3rd degree black belt like me, but we do have the same DIET!

Here’s the scoop:

Acid/alkaline balance—where it’s at

Tom Brady reports having a mainly alkaline diet comprised of about 80 percent organic alkaline foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables) and 20 percent “good” acid foods including whole grains and lean meats.  He also avoids unhealthy substances like sugar, white flour, MSG, salt, and coffee. 

And he credits his diet for keeping his system in harmony and contributing to his longevity in football!

Knowing what I know about acid/alkaline balance and how it promotes health and reduces inflammation, and crediting my highly alkaline diet for my ability to run marathons and do martial arts at age 54, I agree with Mr. Brady 100 percent.

Unfortunately, he committed a mortal sin as far as Big Food, Big Pharma and the people they pay off are concerned.

The so-called critics

As soon as Tom Brady DARED to publicly credit nutrition for his health and athletic performance, the critics’ claws came out. 

These included dieticians and other “health professionals” who claimed the science behind Brady’s diet is “sketchy” and is based on “half-truths and myths.”

Of course, these are the same “professionals” who belong to the American Dietetic Association (which receives very generous donations from the processed food, sugar and soda industries) or medical associations that are showered by the pharmaceutical industry with “conferences” or “Continuing education” (aka drug education) events at beautiful, lush resorts.

So their opinions are heavily swayed…and worthless as far as I’m concerned.

The real truth about acid/alkaline balance

The human body was created with a slightly alkaline blood pH of 7.365, and it is in that range that all of your organs, tissues, bones, joints and cells work optimally.

When your blood pH dips down toward the acid range, your body literally begins to break down.

Your cells become sluggish and can't function properly.  Wastes build up and toxins aren't excreted like they should be.  Cellular messages aren't sent and nutrients aren't properly used.

It's like your innards go on strike!

Eventually, inflammation is stirred, tumor cells can thrive, chronic aches and pains become your norm and you increase your risk of developing a major disease. 

Even a slight dip toward acidity can have a BIG devastating impact.  A decrease of just .1 (one-tenth) in your pH number means a TEN-fold decrease in your cell activity.

There’s nothing “sketchy” or “mythical” about this—it’s human biology!

Your body’s defenses

Your body is brilliant and senses when your pH is dipping toward the acid range.  It has two effective defenses to counteract acid—it can expel it or it can neutralize or buffer it.

Your body expels acid wastes through your skin (when you sweat), through your lungs (when you exhale) and through the bladder and bowels (when Nature calls).

But when the acid wastes accumulating inside of you become too much for your body to effectively expel, then it goes to Plan B and attempts to buffer the acid with your own stores of alkaline minerals…and its minerals of choice are:

  • Calcium from your bones and teeth
  • Potassium from your muscles and nerves
  • Magnesium from your arteries and muscles

It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to know what could eventually happen: 

  • Losing calcium is a great way to develop osteoporosis.
  • Being depleted in potassium can invite high blood pressure, as well as muscle weakness.
  • A magnesium deficiency can cause a whole slew of problems, including irregular heartbeat, inflammation, depression, poor immune function and increased risk of osteoporosis.

Staying slightly alkaline—it’s easier than you think!

Here are ways you can help maintain a desirable slightly alkaline pH:

Test your pH

You can get urine or saliva pH tests at most drug or health food stores.  A doctor must test your blood pH, but it will be the most accurate measure. 

Drink pure filtered water

Aim for at least eight 8 oz. glasses per day.  Stir in some fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice to make it more alkaline if you'd like.  Alkalizing drops are also available at health food stores.

Incorporate more alkaline foods into your diet

Alkaline foods include most fruits and vegetables.  Strive to make at least half your plate (70-80 percent is ideal) alkaline foods. 

Also, limit your acid foods to these healthy sources:

  • Eggs and dairy (preferably organic)
  • Fish (preferably wild caught and not farmed)
  • Chicken and turkey (preferably organic)
  • Brown rice
  • Beef (preferably grass fed and organic)
  • Whole grains

Support sound digestion

Sound digestion is key to proper elimination of acid wastes and maintaining a healthy acid/alkaline balance.

Make your body’s job easier by avoiding eating animal proteins and starches together.  This combination is extremely hard for your body to break down and is a leading cause of indigestion.  Check out the Great Taste No Pain health system if you need more guidance.

Probiotic supplementation can help too, especially if you are prone to constipation.  An outstanding full-spectrum formula like Super Shield can be a Godsend if you struggle with gas, bloating or constipation. 

See how much better you can feel with a healthier, more alkaline pH!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia 

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