Holistic Blends Blog


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A sneaky factor behind our obesity explosion

A sneaky factor behind our obesity explosion

  Here’s an eye-opening statistic--currently, nearly eight out of 10 Americans are overweight or obese. And those numbers are not going down. Of course, the begging question here is: What in the world is going on? Why is it our “new normal” to be overweight? Well, there are a lot of factors behind the scenes, including processed/fast foods, lack of exercise, exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, chronic stress and the resulting elevated cortisol levels, and our...

Sep 11, 2024 0 comments

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These can either make or break your health

These can either make or break your health

    If you went to the doctor and reported having insomnia, chances are good you’d walk out with a prescription for sleeping pills. Or if you mentioned feeling depressed, you may get an antidepressant. If you complained about indigestion, acid reducers may be in your future. But there is a common underlying cause for all of these health issues (and many more) that NONE of the prescription drugs in the world can touch—and in...

Aug 09, 2024 0 comments

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A concerning trend that’s on the rise

A concerning trend that’s on the rise

    After being in the health field for the last few decades, I’ve pretty much seen and heard it all. But what troubles me is the fact that there are current trends in health that I am observing that go from mildly disturbing to downright shocking. As my karate fighting teacher used to tell me, I have a steel-trap memory…and I can vividly remember times in the not-so-distant past when we weren’t so darn...

Aug 07, 2024 0 comments

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Got cravings?  Here’s why (and how to stop them)

Got cravings? Here’s why (and how to stop them)

  My late mother Freida used to have a theory about pregnancy cravings. She craved watermelon like it was disappearing tomorrow when she was pregnant with my brother Bob. No matter what the day or time, she couldn’t get enough of it. Well, Bob grew up to LOVE watermelon, and my mother swore it was because of her pregnancy cravings! I’ll let you decide whether her theory has any validity LOL, but seriously, I think...

Apr 29, 2024 0 comments

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I was disgusted when I heard this…and you should be too

I was disgusted when I heard this…and you should be too

  Someone very dear to me (I’ll call her “Rachel”) went to the doctor recently for a few problems she’s been having, and when she told me about her appointment, I was disgusted. Here’s a little background information: Rachel has been under great stress over the last several months. She lost her job and has had difficulty finding another. She has been doing temp work but is having financial challenges due to the reduction in...

Apr 01, 2024 1 comment

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Why are people everywhere losing it?

Why are people everywhere losing it?

  While it’s a good idea to be informed, I’ve got to say that it’s getting harder and harder to see what’s going on in our world and not feel horrified or frightened. For example, I just saw that three security guards at a Staten Island, NY hospital were slashed with a sharp object and nurses were attacked (with one being bitten) Sunday morning around 4am. The attacks were apparently carried out by a 19-year-old...

Mar 04, 2024 0 comments

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