Quiz: Is this tiny creature ruining YOUR health?


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Quiz: Is this tiny creature ruining YOUR health?


Have you ever seen a horror movie where a normal person suddenly turns into a hideous creature like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or the Wolfman? 

Well, something similar can be going on inside of you this very second with some tiny creatures that you can't even see with the naked eye.  As a result you may be suffering some serious symptoms and probably don't even know why.   

Chances are excellent that you might have even gone to a doctor for your symptoms and gotten one or more prescriptions, felt some temporary relief, but then your problem came back.   

Well, there's a good reason for that.     

Because a whole slew of seemingly unrelated symptoms can be caused by YEAST OVERGROWTH in your body. 

And all the prescription drugs in the world won't touch it--that's why your symptoms can return again and again. 

Yeast overgrowth is one of the most common maladies that affects both women and men, and it is also the least understood.   

Here is what you must know about... 

  1. What yeast is 
  2. What it can do to you and  
  3. How to stop it 


Candida—the helper with a dark side

Yeast (Candida) is always present in your body. It even serves a helpful function--it kills harmful bacteria and pathogens in your digestive tract. 

As long as you have a healthy gut environment and a strong population of beneficial bacteria in your microbiome, Candida is kept under control and does what it's supposed to do. 

The problem arises when Candida grows out of control--then this relatively harmless yeast becomes a fungal monster that can invade the rest of your body and wreak havoc. 

There are actually about 154 different species of Candida, but Candida albicans is usually the culprit that causes health problems.    

The transformation from from helpful yeast to harmful fungus

When Candida transforms from yeast to fungus, it eats away at your intestinal walls and makes them too porous, leading to leaky gut syndrome.  This allows the Candida, plus any poorly digested food molecules, toxins and wastes in your intestinal tract to seep out into your bloodstream. 

This can lead to rashes, food intolerances, brain fog, skin/nail infections and genitourinary infections in both men and women. 

In addition, two toxic substances - ethanol and acetaldehyde - are produced, which hamper your red blood cells' ability to flow into the capillaries, and can lead to migraines, muscle aches and fatigue. 

These toxins also impair your white blood cells' ability to fight infections, and can also trigger allergies, skin rashes, acne and slow healing. 

It's too late, baby

The important thing to realize is that once you have symptoms, that's a sign that Candida is already out of control in your body. 

That's why the medications your doctor gives you are of limited benefit. They might mask the symptoms for a short time, but the underlying cause - yeast overgrowth - has not been addressed. 

So your symptoms are likely to return. 

Take the yeast quiz

Here's a quiz that you can take to see how likely it is that yeast may be a problem for you: 

1) Have you ever used antibiotics for acne for 1 month or more? 

2) Have you taken antibiotics for any other reason over the last year? 

3) Do you suffer from persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other genital problems? 

4) Have you ever taken birth control pills for at least 6 months? 

5) Have you ever taken steroid drugs like prednisone or Decadron? 

6) Do you crave bread, sugar or alcohol? 

7) Have you ever been pregnant? 

8) Do you frequently feel fatigued, lethargic, drained, dizzy, spacey or disconnected? 

9) Do you suffer from poor memory or concentration, an inability to make decisions, loss of sexual desire or mood swings? 

10) Do you frequently have abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating or gas that can't be explained by diet or a GI problem? 

11) Do you have foot, hair or body odor that is not sweat-related and is not relieved by bathing? 

12) Do you frequently have bad breath, nasal congestion, post nasal drip, dry mouth, rash or blisters in your mouth, sore throat or laryngitis? 

13) Do you have a persistent cough, chest pain or tightness, wheezing or shortness of breath? 

14) Do you have to urinate frequently, have incontinence or experience burning with urination? 

15) Do you get spots in front of your eyes, erratic vision, eye burning or tearing, fluid in your ears or ear pain? 

16) Do you have toenail or fingernail discoloration that will not go away, even with strong fungal medications?   

See how you measured up: 

  • 1 - 3 Yes answers:  Yeast is possibly an issue 
  • 4 - 8 Yes answers:  Yeast is probably an issue 
  • 9 or more Yes answers:  Yeast is almost certainly an issue 

How to help stop yeast overgrowth 

If you suspect Candida is already out of control in your body, here are ways to help: 

1) Eliminate sugars and refined carbohydrates from your diet 

Candida yeast feed on sugar and refined carbohydrates. So when you eliminate these foods from your diet, you deprive Candida of the food source it needs to multiply. 

This includes ALL sources of sugar and refined carbs like soda, sweetened drinks, sports drinks, pastries, pasta, bread, white rice, cereals, snack chips, crackers, tortillas and many condiments (like ketchup and barbecue sauce).  

Focus instead on consuming good carbohydrates like vegetables (other than potatoes and corn) and legumes.   

In addition, although they can be very healthful foods, fruits are high in sugar and whole grains can feed Candida too, so they are best avoided for at least a month or until you have Candida under control. 

2) Boost your microbiome’s population of helpful bacteria  

A healthy diet is vital for achieving and maintaining a strong population of friendly flora in your gut microbiome.    

But for many people, it’s not enough—especially if you’ve already got the challenges of Candida running rampant in your system.   

That’s when a high quality, potent probiotic supplement like Super Shield PLUS can be a much-needed boost for your body. 

Two of the powerhouse strains in Super Shield PLUS’s 20 billion CFU formula, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, have been shown to be extremely effective in fighting Candida! 

And Super Shield PLUS's 13 other potent strains support L. rhamnosus and L. acidophilus in keeping your microbiome in a healthy balance, ready and able to keep yeast in check, fight off harmful bacteria, and help strengthen your intestinal walls and fight leaky gut. 

3) Talk to your doctor 

If you are on birth control pills, steroids or antibiotics, talk to your doctor about exploring alternatives.  If he asks why, show him this blog.  

4) Attack that yeast overgrowth head-on 

If you suspect you have a yeast problem, you’ll want to attack it head-on and curb that overgrowth, and Optimal Yeast Support Blend is your ticket! 

Optimal Yeast Support Blend contains a well-researched blend of some of the best, most effective natural herbal antifungals and antimicrobials plus biotin, that work together to fight back at yeast overgrowth and encourage a healthier (more helpful—not harmful!) intestinal yeast population. 

These impressive natural antifungals include: 

  • Sodium caprylate 
  • Pau D’ Arco  
  • Berberine sulfate  
  • Rosemary 
  • Oregano 
  • Ginger  
  • Cinnamon 
  • Chamomile 


If you suspect Candida has been secretly affecting your health, or want to help keep it under control, now is the time to face that fungal monster and minimize its harmful effects on you! 

I bet you’ll see a huge difference in how you feel very soon. 

To your health, 

Sherry Brescia 

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  • Hello. Is it okay for a five year old to take Super Shield?

    Louie Fogle on

  • My thyroid specialist tells me I can’t take biotin with my thyroid meds, would this be ok to take because its natural?

    Cindy L Lesperance on

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