How to (finally) stop craving carbs | Addiction, Candida, Healthy Eating and more | Holistic Blends Holistic Blends Blog blog


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How to (finally) stop craving carbs

Oct 28, 2019 2 comments
How to (finally) stop craving carbs


As I chatted with many of the people who came to see me speak at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo this past weekend in the Chicago area one concern rang loud and clear above all others...


But my message to them and you is this:  Never fear!  Because you CAN break the carb craving cycle! 

Here’s what you need to know:

All carbs are not created equal

While carbohydrates are a necessary food group, starchy carbs are the least healthy (and most addicting) form of carbohydrates.

I’m talking about things like bread, pasta, crackers, potatoes, snack chips, pastries, rice and cereals.

Although they may provide some nutrients (and that’s a stretch in many cases), starchy carbs basically turn to sugar upon digestion and aren’t much better than eating a candy bar or cookie.

When it comes to truly healthy and nutritious carbohydrates, vegetables and legumes are your best bet.

Why in the world?

There are many reasons that we crave carbs, and you can help curb your cravings if you figure out what may be behind them. 

Here are some possibilities:

It’s all in your head

Current research supports the fact that a primary underlying cause of carbohydrate addiction lies in your brain’s reward system.

Sugar and starchy carbohydrate foods cause the release of serotonin (your body’s feel good chemical) and you feel a calming sensation.

Refined carbohydrates also trigger increased releases of dopamine and norepinephrine, and as your brain becomes deluged with these neurotransmitters, a feeling of euphoria results and a craving for more refined carbohydrates is stimulated. 

Underactive thyroid

Having an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause feeling of fatigue.  In an effort to combat this fatigue, many people reach for refined carbohydrate pick-me-ups including soda, chips, candy bars, crackers and other similar foods.

Yeast (Candida) overgrowth in the gut

Candida (yeast) overgrowth is another factor behind carbohydrate cravings and addiction. 

Most refined carbs are quickly converted to sugar upon digestion.  Yeast feeds on sugar, and in turn can multiply out of control and overcome your friendly intestinal flora (which normally helps to keep yeast in check and under control). 

A vicious cycle can then result where the yeast, wanting more nourishment, triggers cravings for sugar, which in turn leads to greater yeast overgrowth, which then triggers more intense cravings for sugar.

Menopause and/or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)

 As levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone drop, women may become more prone to insulin resistance, where the body’s cells don’t respond as they should to insulin. This in turn can cause sugar cravings to soar, since the cells have not received the glucose they are expecting from the bloodstream.


Depressed people often report feeling less depressed after eating high-carb snack foods. 

This is a reflection of the increased production of serotonin following refined carbohydrate ingestion, which mimics the action of antidepressant medications. 

Lacking nutrients

Lacking nutrients (especially B vitamins) can trigger cravings.

Chronic stress

Stress triggers the release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones raise your heart rate, dilate your blood vessels and mobilize fat and carbohydrates for quick energy.

Once the stress ends, adrenaline production subsides, but cortisol helps refuel your body and bring it back to balance—and it does this by making you hungry, especially for carbs and sugars.

But when stress becomes chronic, this can lead to the familiar “stress eating” of carbs, since your body is repeatedly following the instructions of cortisol and looking to refuel itself. 

Tips for reducing cravings

In addition to addressing any underlying causes behind your carb cravings, here are some measures that can help:

Probiotics:  A full-spectrum probiotic formula like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula can help support a healthy gut microbiome, which in turn will help encourage proper serotonin production (which can help prevent depression) and help keep yeast (Candida) under control.

Vitamin D:  Low vitamin D levels are associated with decreased satiety.  Since vitamin D is a VERY common deficiency, and many people (especially those in the northern hemisphere) may be running low, the best way to ensure you have health-supporting, therapeutic levels of this vital nutrient is with supplementation with a complete formula like Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B.  Optimum DK Formula provides a healthful 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 plus vitamins K1 and K2 and the mineral boron.

Whole foods diet:  Have a healthy, whole foods diet to provide a variety of natural nutrients, fiber and antioxidants, and avoid refined carbohydrates at all cost.  Completely eliminate them from the refrigerator, cupboard and pantry, and bring protein snacks to work with you.

Fight Candida overgrowth:  Once Candida has grown out of control, it’s very difficult to get a handle on it and keep it at bay.  But our Optimal Yeast Support Blend can help fight back at Candida, keep it under control, and support a healthier intestinal microbe balance that favors heath versus sickness. 

Eat at home:  Cook meals at home versus dining out.  Home cooked meals can encourage better control over what is served, and avoids the temptation of the bread basket, desserts and carbohydrate-rich dishes like pasta.

Destress: Do whatever you need to do to reduce stress in your life, keeping in mind that regular exercise is the #1 stress reducer there is!  Also, consider deep breathing, lavender essential oil, counseling, yoga, massage, prayer, meditation and visualization.

Drink plenty of water: Dehydration is the number one nutritional deficiency in North America. Our bodies often mistake hunger for thirst, and not drinking enough water can lead to overeating.  Be sure you are drinking at least eight 8-oz.glasses of filtered water per day.

Avoid caffeine:  Caffeine can aggravate sugar addiction (when a person comes down from a caffeine-induced energy ‘high,’ they often reach for sugar).

You can do it!

YOU CAN take control over your carb cravings. 

Take whatever measures you need to say goodbye to being a slave to carbs for good.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Hi Sherie
    I wonder if you can help as I seem to be eating carbs as it helps with my diverticular problem.
    I seem to suffer with dihorrea with lots of other different foods that are non carb related.
    I hit the marker for type 2 diabetes last year and also find myself now with an underactive thyroid.
    I am 64. Any advise would be great. Thanks

    Deric Neal on

  • Dear Holistic Blends,
    In April this year, I was diagnosed as TYPE 1 diabetic..and have gone on a low carb diet to minimise the need for Rapid insulin --
    Do you have any views on that?
    I am on 2.5 basal insulin only now, and hardly ever need insulin for meals at all….

    dyanne aslan on

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