When someone asks me what nutrients they should be getting, my response is: All of them.
That being said, while all 2,000 of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in existence are impressive in their own way, there is a Superstar that deserves special recognition.
Vitamin D!
Not only does it help your body in many ways, but being low in it can have deadly consequences!
Here’s why:
Vitamin D—bones are just the beginning!
When most people think of vitamin D they think “strong bones” but that’s just the beginning.
Vitamin D does help to regulate the level of calcium in your blood and in doing so, supports healthy bones (and prevents osteoporosis too!).
But it’s also important for the bones in your mouth—your TEETH!
Studies have shown that in men and women over 50, a lack of vitamin D is associated with increased risk of periodontal (gum) disease.
Immune health
Vitamin D helps regulate your immune system activity by “taming” excessive, inflammatory immune responses—such as those seen in autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s, colitis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Type 1 diabetes, psoriasis and Graves’ disease.
Cancer prevention
Researchers have long been intrigued about vitamin D’s role in preventing cancer, since people who live in southern latitudes (where they get more sun exposure so their bodies can make vitamin D) have lower levels of certain cancers.
They were on to something and here’s why.
Vitamin D plays an important role in your cell activity—helping to regulate cell multiplication and cell death.
By definition cancer is out-of-control, excessive cell multiplication, along with a slowing down in cell death. That’s how tumors form and take over surrounding tissues—they multiply like rabbits and don’t die off.
But vitamin D’s action to encourage proper cell activity shines through here--studies have found that vitamin D acts to decrease the growth of cancer cells and to stimulate the death of those deadly cells!
Protection against Type 2 diabetes
The role of vitamin D in regulating your blood calcium goes beyond your bones.
Calcium plays a major role in your body’s ability to control glucose and insulin levels, so having adequate blood calcium (which depends on having enough vitamin D) is important to prevent Type 2 diabetes.
In addition, vitamin D also encourages proper pancreatic function. Since your pancreas produces insulin, vitamin D indirectly supports healthy blood glucose levels.
Heart disease prevention
Several studies have been conducted linking low levels of vitamin D to an increased risk of heart disease including heart attack, peripheral artery disease, congestive heart failure and atherosclerosis.
This is yet another example of vitamin D’s anti-inflammatory efforts in action!
Inflammation in your arteries is the main underlying factor behind high blood pressure, arterial damage, atherosclerosis and ultimately heart disease. So vitamin D and its anti-inflammatory actions can help protect against our #1 killer.
Why do so many have too little?
Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is extremely common, especially in the northern hemisphere where we have less exposure to sunlight and so our bodies can’t always make enough vitamin D.
Also, as we get older our skin doesn’t make as much vitamin D in response to sun exposure. At the same time, our kidneys become less efficient at converting vitamin D into the form used by the body as we age.
Also, food sources of vitamin D are very limited, so many times your diet won’t give you what you need.
Make sure you have enough!
Hopefully you’ve gotten the idea that vitamin D is not something you want to be low in!

To help ensure you have health-supporting levels of this nutritional Superstar, it’s wise to supplement with an outstanding product like Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B.
In addition to getting an impressive 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 in each capsule, you’ll also get the added benefit of K1 (500 mcg) and K2 (50 mcg).
Like vitamin D, vitamin K also provides bone support. Several studies have shown that vitamin K supplementation was associated with a reduced risk of fractures. It also helps prevent atherosclerosis by keeping calcium out of your artery linings where it can cause damage.
But that’s not all.
Because Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B goes beyond other vitamin D supplements by including the mineral boron, which further supports strong bone, immune and cardiovascular health!
Let Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B give your body the disease protection it deserves, so you can pave the way for optimal health into your golden years!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia