Are your meds making you sicker?
Although there are times when medications are necessary and appropriate, as a society we’ve gone way overboard and are increasingly relying on drugs to “create health” for us. I’ve heard people say things like they are in “good health” because their blood pressure is controlled with beta blockers, their cholesterol is under 200 with statins, proton pump inhibitors keep their acid reflux quiet, and sedatives help them sleep. THAT’S good health? No—that’s a chemically...

Do you get enough of these longevity nutrients?
Today is my birthday and while the thought of turning 62 can be a bit unsettling, I am thankful for all of my incredible blessings—my family, my cats, my God, the martial arts, and of course, great health! I love being able to say that I’m in my 60s, take no medications, easily maintain my weight, have boatloads of energy and can still run and do full-contact sparring…and I have no intention of stopping...

Are people everywhere losing it or what?
Is it my imagination, or are people more filled with road rage and aggression than ever before? I can recall several instances over the last five years or so where I’ve been driving on an interstate highway and have witnessed one or more cut-offs, flip-offs, tailgates, weaving, passing on the right and other acts of aggression. I even saw an SUV pass someone on the shoulder of the road on I-95 because the person...
- Tags: dk, Exercise, General Health, Mental Health, road rage

When this happened, I saw stars!
Important announcement regarding office hours at the end Please DO NOT skip If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you probably know that I can be considered a “fitness nut” LOL. And there’s a good reason for that! I have worked out my entire adult life and I cannot stress enough the incredible health benefits from my exercise habits—including normal blood pressure, easily maintaining my weight, sound sleep, combatting stress and high...

Are these really just “a bunch of crap”?
*Important general office-hours announcement at the end - Please read through* I once had a client who told me that when she mentioned to her doctor that she was taking a multi-vitamin, he basically scolded her and said she “doesn’t need that crap.” Interesting perspective. Not only are vitamins NOT a bunch of crap, but our need for non-food sources of nutrients has continued to expand. At one time (several decades ago) people who had...

The Top 3 Questions About GTNP
(Important general announcements at the end, please read through) If you’ve been with Sherry & I since 2007, back when Sherry wrote the first edition of Great Taste No Pain, you’d know we didn’t start out as a supplement company. Our humble beginnings were centered on teaching you how to put your meals together so that you’d successfully digest your food and feel better for it! This practice evolved beyond the Great Taste No...