Does this protect you from deadly cancer?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 60 years (yes, I am that old) it’s that you should always question products marketed for your “health” or to “protect you.” Vegetable oils and margarine are excellent examples here. For the last several decades, saturated fats like butter and red meat have been vilified and said to cause heart disease, while unsaturated vegetable oils and margarine have been marketed as heart healthy. What a crock. ...
- Tags: Cancer, Hair and Skin, Healthy Living, Toxins

Seven ways you may be raising your cancer risk
There are few words that inspire more fear and dread than: CANCER. I think it’s safe to say that most people wouldn’t cherish the thought of having to face cancer…and would want to do everything they could to avoid having their number come up in the cancer lottery. Problem is that many people are rolling out the red carpet for our number two killer and don’t even know it! Here are seven ways that...
- Tags: Cancer, Exercise, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Sleep, Stress, Sugar

Why is life expectancy dropping in the US?
According to the CDC, the US currently spends about $3.8 trillion every year on healthcare. That’s up a shocking 30 percent from the $2.6 trillion we spent back in 2009 (adjusted for inflation). So why is it that our rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and bone/joint disorders are either staying the same or going UP? With all that money being thrown at healthcare, shouldn’t we be seeing disease rates decreasing? And...
- Tags: Cancer, Diabetes, Inflammation, Processed food, Sugar

The scam called “BCAM”
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and everywhere you go, you see pink paper ribbons plastered on the walls signed by someone who likely donated for breast cancer research. Too bad they threw their money away. I say that because BILLIONS of research dollars have been raised over the last several decades to “find the cure,” yet cancer is still our number 2 killer. So what have all these billions of dollars bought...

Bet your doctor never mentioned this to you!
I’m a bit fired up today, so be prepared. Modern medicine has done a complete bloody disservice to untold numbers of people over the last 100 years or so. Why would that be? Well, it’s not because of a shortage of medications—all you need to do is watch TV in the US for 30 minutes and you’ll see at least 3-4 drug commercials. There are plenty to choose from. We’re not lacking in new...
- Tags: Cancer, Depression, Heart Health, Immune Health, Vitamin D, Vitamin K

Do you have this stomach cancer risk factor?
There is a certain bacterial infection that has been around for an incredible 200,000 years and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down yet. It’s VERY contagious and affects a staggering 66 percent of the world’s population (2 out of 3 of us). In the vast majority of cases (90 percent), there are no symptoms at all, so most people who have contracted it don’t even know it. But that doesn’t mean it’s...