Is it my imagination or are people just losing it?
Is it my imagination, or are people even more filled with road rage and/or hell-bent on tailgating than ever before? Are people just losing it?
Well, there may be another answer to consider…

2 surprising health benefits of probiotics
Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last few decades, you probably have heard that probiotics help prevent gas, bloating and constipation.
You also might know that they support your immune system and can help ease asthma and allergies.
And maybe you’ve even heard that they are helpful with depression since most of your body’s serotonin is produced in your gut (especially if you read my blogs on a regular basis!).
Well, there are 2 more surprising health benefits of probiotics that go way beyond your gut!
Specifically to your heart and your liver!
You also might know that they support your immune system and can help ease asthma and allergies.
And maybe you’ve even heard that they are helpful with depression since most of your body’s serotonin is produced in your gut (especially if you read my blogs on a regular basis!).
Well, there are 2 more surprising health benefits of probiotics that go way beyond your gut!
Specifically to your heart and your liver!

Both sides of the blood pressure story
Most people are aware that high blood pressure is not a good thing. If not properly controlled, hypertension can lead to serious damage in your arterial walls and make you a candidate for heart disease. Although it’s well known that high blood pressure can be caused by things such as too much salt in your diet (along with too little potassium), being overweight, elevated cholesterol, smoking, stress and lacking exercise, it can also be triggered by these factors:
- Tags: Blood Pressure

Startling news about high blood pressure
Currently, about 75 million Americans have high blood pressure—that’s about 1 out of 3 adults! And it’s not just the total number that’s a concern here because the overall percentage of people suffering from it is growing too.

Don’t make this blood pressure mistake
I recently met with a client who was asking my advice on how to naturally help lower his blood pressure. He was on medication but it was still poorly controlled. I told him what he should do and he asked, “For how long?”
- Tags: Blood Pressure, Healthy Living