Do you do this after using the toilet?


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Do you do this after using the toilet?

Feb 13, 2017 11 comments
Do you do this after using the toilet?

If I were to ask you how you use the toilet, you’d likely think I’m a bit strange.

OK, I’ll be more specific.  Do you look at what’s in the bowl before you flush it away?

Even though you probably just erupted in laughter, this really is no laughing matter.  Your body gives you clues about your state of health through your “number one and number two” so it would behoove you to take a peek on a regular basis.

Here’s what I mean:

Number one: What your urine says about you

There are a few things to look at with your urine—the color, the cloudiness and the odor.

1. The color

Yellow/gold: Usually indicates healthy urine.  Vitamins might make it brighter (especially B vitamins).  Dark gold can mean you’re slightly dehydrated and need to drink more water.

Red: Can indicate blood in the urine, which suggests maybe a kidney stone or urinary tract infection—see a doctor.

Pink: Usually occurs after eating red or purple foods like beets or blueberries.  See a doctor if it persists and/or you haven’t been eating foods like these.

Orange: Usually a sign of dehydration, or can be the result of eating orange foods (like carrots) or certain antibiotics.  It can also signal a liver or pituitary problem, so see a doctor if it persists or you have other symptoms.

Brown: Can mean extreme dehydration or be the result of eating fava beans.  It can also suggest urinary tract infection, kidney stone; kidney tumor, Addison’s disease; protein in the urine or a pituitary problem.  See a doctor.

Any other color (black, green, etc.):  Unless you’ve recently eaten a lot of green or dark foods or have taken medications or supplements that turn your urine dark (charcoal is a common culprit), see a doctor.

2. Clear or cloudy?

Healthy urine is usually clear.   

Cloudy urine can mean dehydration, urinary tract infection, kidney problems, metabolic problems or lymph fluid in the urine.  See a doctor to rule out any problems.

3. The odor

Urine is usually odorless, but if there’s a smell to yours, here are some possibilities behind the smell:

  • Certain medications or supplements
  • Certain foods — especially asparagus!
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Uncontrolled diabetes

Consult your doctor if you have concerns, especially if you suspect UTI or diabetes.

Number two: What is your feces trying to tell you?

A normal healthy bowel movement should look like a moist brown banana with a slight point at one end.  It should glide out easily with no significant grunting required.

On the other hand, if your stool looks like a bunch of balls all wadded together or rabbit pellets, it's been inside of you way too long.  Chances are excellent that you needed to grunt it out and constipation is a regular thing for you.

If your stool has undigested food particles in it on a regular basis (aside from corn kernels), that's a sign that you're low in digestive enzymes.

Same goes for if your turds are floaters.  BMs that float suggests poor digestion of fats, which can reflect a gallbladder issue, low bile output or other enzyme challenges.

If your feces is loose or watery, that means it rocketed through the GI tract too quickly and the colon didn’t absorb water like it should.  This suggests inadequate digestion and may mean you're not properly absorbing nutrients. 

Receive your messages and act accordingly

Now that you’ve gotten a better idea what your commode contents might be trying to tell you, first and foremost, see a doctor if you have concerns.

Once you’ve been assured that there are no major issues, it’s important to keep your body’s “waste excretion efforts” working smoothly. 

Here are ways you can make a big difference:

  • Nothing helps promote sound digestion like making your meals easier on your system, to begin with!  Avoid eating animal proteins and starches together, as this combination is extremely difficult for your body to break down efficiently.  Check out Great Taste No Pain if you want guidance and some delicious recipes.
  • Drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day to avoid dehydration.
  • Balance your intestinal flora with a full-spectrum probiotic like Super Shield.  Your beneficial gut bacteria help break down certain foods and fiber, so having a proper population of them is crucial for thorough digestion and smooth BMs.
  • Supplement with digestive enzymes if necessary. Digestizol Max contains a well-rounded blend of 15 plant-derived enzymes that can give your system a helpful boost.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • @Helene – Thanks for reaching out! Your last order was placed on a Thursday, which means the package was not shipped until the following Monday via the two day shipping method. We keep it on that schedule so that temperature will not effect the efficacy of the probiotics. If you have any questions on the shipping schedule, please feel free to reach out to customer service or have a look at our shipping section here on our website. Have an amazing day!

    Holistic Blends on

  • I coninue to worry about the shipping. My last order was large and we were having a heat wave and my order sat with Fed. Express or whoever ships it for four days before I got it. I still wonder if those bottles are any good. Why don’t they just leave , I doubt they refrigerate it .

    helene maram on

  • @Lila – We definitely do our best to keep the cost as low as possible for everyone. You might consider buying in larger quantities in the future as there is a discount, they’ll last you longer, and for large orders there is a free shipping option available as well. Hope you have a great day!

    Holistic Blends on

  • I love your super Shield and digestal max. I buy them when I can afford them. On a fixed income so really expensive for me
    Lila on

  • @Alicia – Thank you for reaching out! We do try to keep the cost down for our customers by offering the multi-bottle discounts plus free shipping for larger orders as well. Buying less frequently and stocking up is a great way to keep costs lower for everyone. Have a great day!

    Holistic Blends on

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