How many brains do you have? (Hint: it’s more than one)


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How many brains do you have? (Hint: it’s more than one)

Most people are pretty well aware of all that their brain does for them, and that it’s a good idea to take care of yours.

That’s a no-brainer.  (Pardon the pun!)

However, the grey matter in your skull is not your only brain.

You have another one about 30 inches south of the first one.

It’s called your gut microbiome

Yes, these little intestinal inhabitants are so powerful that they have earned the distinction of being called your second brain!

Here’s why.

Strength in numbers

Your body’s population of bacteria outnumbers ALL of your cells by about 10 to 1!

The vast majority of them live in your intestinal tract, but they also live in your skin, in your mouth, in your saliva and more.

Even though they’re tiny, they play some very significant roles in your health and even influence how you think!

Here are some examples:

Nutrient absorption and production

Having a healthy intestinal flora population helps to enhance your absorption of nutrients from your food, as well as nutritional supplements.

This is important because many people are under the mistaken impression that all they need to do is take their vitamins and they’re home-free…but unless your gut is actually absorbing those nutrients, they are doing you little to no good.

Plus your gut microbiome also helps produce vitamins for you--including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D and K.

Immune health

Between 70-80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, so keeping it healthy encourages a strong, more capable immune system.

Your immune system helps prevent infections and viruses from taking hold of you, plus it also protects you against cancer and other diseases.

And having a sharp, well-functioning immune system can decrease your risk of suffering from allergies, sensitivities, asthma, eczema and autoimmune conditions.

Ulcer remedy and prevention

Certain beneficial bacterial strains have been shown to be helpful in fighting and preventing ulcers.

Studies have established that the Lactobacillus strains L. acidophilus and L. salivarius can slow and even help destroy H. pylori (the bacteria that causes most ulcers).

Healthier cholesterol levels

Friendly gut bacteria can help promote healthier cholesterol levels by creating acids that counter excess cholesterol production.

In addition, your friendly flora works to keep your bowel movements smooth and regular, which allows your body to better eliminate old, worn-out cholesterol (instead of risking reabsorption into your bloodstream and raising your total blood cholesterol level).

From one brain to another

The brain and the gut are connected and the health of one affects the other—this is called the brain-gut axis. 

Research has shown that problems in your gut can directly impact your mental health, eventually leading to issues like anxiety and depression.

But the flip side is also true—better, healthier bacteria can help encourage better mental health.

In an article published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, researchers stated that even severe and chronic mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), might be eliminated through the use of probiotics!

Plus a mouse study at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada suggested that gut microbes play a strong role in the body's response to stressful situations, as well as in who might be more susceptible to conditions like PTSD.

I’ll have the beef, please

Researchers from UC San Francisco, Arizona State University and University of New Mexico found that gut microbes can influence our eating behavior and dietary choices.

These little guys can make us lean toward and even crave the particular foods and nutrients they like, instead of just accepting whatever comes their way. 

Each species of bacteria has their own preference--some prefer fat, and others sugar, for example.

Depending on which species has the “upper hand” at a given time, the microbes can influence your decisions by releasing signaling molecules into your gut which can eventually affect your physical actions and behaviors—including your food choices!

And as you would suspect, harmful bacteria and yeasts prefer SUGAR!

So if you find yourself craving breads, sweets, pasta and alcohol, it may have nothing to do with “willpower” and everything to do with your gut!

Keep yours healthy and strong

It’s more important than ever to encourage a greater population of helpful gut bacteria to proliferate in your intestinal tract—those that thrive on a healthy diet, effectively fight sickness and disease, and even encourage strong mental health!

This is where you can use your FIRST brain to help the SECOND by making smart, gut-friendly choices:

1- Take Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula

Daily probiotic supplementation is a MUST for maintaining a healthy gut environment.  Even if you have the best diet in the world, there are far too many factors that can cause unhealthy changes to your gut flora, and sooner or later you (and your second brain) will be affected.

These factors include stress (and we’re ALL stressed at one time or another!), medication use, environmental toxins, cigarette smoke, and constipation.

Plus most people don’t realize that the friendly bacteria in your gut only live inside of you for about 12 days—so it’s crucial to help replenish them on a regular basis!

Super Shield’s carefully selected, well-studied blend of 13 potent probiotic strains is up to this important task!  In addition, Super Shield helps encourage regular BMs, easing gas, bloating and constipation, which further supports a healthy gut microbiome!

2- Limit sugars and refined carbs

These foods feed the harmful microbes in your gut, which in turn makes your flora balance topsy-turvy.  A dessert on a special occasion is one thing—a regular diet of sweets, pasta, bread, chips, crackers and soda is another.

3- Commit to eating a tossed salad every day

The more fresh raw vegetables you can put in your salad the better, but even a lettuce wedge drizzled with dressing counts!  Your gut needs the cleansing and fiber from the vegetables.

4- Avoid drinking tap water

Strive for some form of filtration or bottled water.  Even a simple carbon filter like Brita is better than nothing. 

5- Incorporate fermented foods into your diet

Your gut microbiome LOVES fermented foods, so the more of these you can work into your diet the better. 

Good choices include kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir and miso.


Antibiotics obliterate your friendly microbes and give harmful bacteria the upper hand.

Even one course of antibiotics can compromise your gut microbiome for up to a YEAR!

If you must take antibiotics, be sure to be diligent about taking your Super Shield probiotics to help counteract the harmful effects of the medication!  Just make sure to separate taking the two by about 2- 3 hours so that the medication will not counteract the probiotics!

Yes, you do have two brains—so engage the power of both to create better health!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Hello Gerald!
    Inflammation can be caused by improper food combinations such as bacon and bread sandwiches.

    Blueberries are generally good for you and are best eaten when organic.

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • hi sherry,can eating blueberries or any foods cause
    ammonia which i got wth eating blueberres and
    chickin curries also in uk people eat a lot of
    bacon butties which is a bacon sandwich [white bread]
    i don’t agree with this food combination

    gerald hogan on

  • Hello Barbara,

    Thank you so much for your kind words! We are happy to help. If there are any topics that you’d like to see Sherry write about in the future, please let us know! Our email address is!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • Very helpful information and things I did not know. I am always wanting to learn ways to better take care of my body and health.

    Barbara Deakins on

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