Should you be doing this to prevent disease?
One of the biggest mistakes people make with respect to their health is to assume that the absence of symptoms is indicative of good health. Not necessarily so. You see, sickness and disease don’t just suddenly pop up out of nowhere. Instead it is more of a gradual process that you might not even pick up on for a while. Here’s what I mean—it all starts with irritation which progresses to inflammation. You irritate...
I was disgusted when I heard this…and you should be too
Someone very dear to me (I’ll call her “Rachel”) went to the doctor recently for a few problems she’s been having, and when she told me about her appointment, I was disgusted. Here’s a little background information: Rachel has been under great stress over the last several months. She lost her job and has had difficulty finding another. She has been doing temp work but is having financial challenges due to the reduction in...
Take care of this—you can’t live without it
15 percent off storewide sale continues! Oftentimes someone who has been diagnosed with a sickness or disease will say that their illness "just came out of nowhere." Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth. Sickness and disease very often develop gradually over time, and they take great care to seek out a nice, cozy home where they can wreak their havoc, preferably undisturbed. And one of the most significant factors that will...
Does this sound like you? If so, read this.
15% Site-Wide Sale Continues! Nothing gives me more gratification than to guide someone with their diet and supplement regimen and hear them say, “I feel so much better!” The human body is an incredible creation, and it can make an enormous difference when you support its state of health and proper functioning. But sadly, some people don’t know where to start or that different options even exist! Instead they are told by their doctors...
This is vital for good health and a long life
Although the mainstream medical community is progressing toward acknowledging the importance of your gut in overall health, some of them still have a way to go. I was recently asked by a doctor if I thought it was important for her to take probiotics after finishing a course of “triple therapy” for ulcers—which consists of two antibiotics and an antacid. As tempted as I was to say, “Duh,” I responded respectfully and said yes,...
Why does the CDC continue to ignore these diseases?
In theory, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is responsible for providing current, accurate information about health-related issues for Americans. Too bad a lot of what we’re seeing from them is neither current nor accurate. First of all, when searching “Leading causes of death in the US,” the CDC is still showing data from 2021 (three years ago). That’s current? Heart disease continues to top the list with about 695,000 deaths, and...