This is vital for good health and a long life
Although the mainstream medical community is progressing toward acknowledging the importance of your gut in overall health, some of them still have a way to go. I was recently asked by a doctor if I thought it was important for her to take probiotics after finishing a course of “triple therapy” for ulcers—which consists of two antibiotics and an antacid. As tempted as I was to say, “Duh,” I responded respectfully and said yes,...

Don’t get caught up in this hype!
When it comes to selling, one of the oldest tricks in the book is to create an urgent need or problem, then magically provide (i.e.: sell) the solution to said problem. Note that I used the word create here, because many times the need for a specific product is just not there, so the customer must be convinced (or scared into thinking) they need it. At the same time, if other competing products can...

My experiment was an abysmal failure
I recently conducted a little experiment to see if my suspicions were correct. And they were. I wrote letters to 65 local gastroenterologists in my surrounding area and along the east coast of Florida, introducing myself, including my curriculum vitae, and explaining that I would be happy to provide specialized meal suggestions and convenient guides that they could give to their patients to help address any dietary-related causes of their symptoms. Know how many...

This can either save your life or kill you
When faced with the unsettling news that they have a disease, many people are taken aback and swear that it just “came out of nowhere.” Trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. Disease is not a sneaky monster that lurks in the shadows and waits for its opportunity to bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. No, my friend—disease is slowly CREATED, and although there are many factors that determine whether your...

Stop using artificial sweeteners! Here’s why.
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, you probably know where I stand on the topic of artificial sweeteners. In case you’re not sure, let me clarify: They are POISON. And the fact that they have been so widely used for decades proves once again that advertising works. In this case, these toxic powders have been positioned as a dieter’s dream, even though they are associated with weight GAIN—not loss! They’ve...

Could your healthy diet be making you sick?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware that having an unhealthy diet of processed and fast foods is not a wise choice if you want to stay free of disease and maintain a normal bodyweight. But what if I told you that even a healthy diet could make you sick? WHAAATT? That is, if you eat a lot of foods that are high in lectins. Here’s the scoop on lectins—what...