The “stones” that most people don’t know about
When you think of "stones" in your body, most people will think of kidney stones, gallstones or maybe bladder stones. But those aren't the only areas of your body that are prone to stones—because you can also get stones in your tonsils! To understand how that can happen, it's important to look at these humble little sentinels in the back of your throat called your tonsils. The humble sentinels Your tonsils are part of...

The health scare no one talks about
While it seems to be the current focus of our national health agencies to scare the bejeezus out of people talking about the flu, COVID, monkeypox and whatever other viruses they can point a finger at, there is a glaring failure in how these agencies “serve and inform” us. I’m talking about chronic disease. Currently, half of all adult Americans, and shockingly 54 percent of our children, have at least one chronic disease (according...

Got back pain? Here’s how to feel better now!
September is National Pain Awareness Month, and I can’t help but shake my head at that title… because anyone that suffers from chronic or even occasional pain is certainly very well aware of it. And by far one of the most common and widespread types of pain is BACK PAIN! It seems we all have back pain at one time or another and that includes yours truly. Even though I do martial arts and...

When this happened, I saw stars!
Important announcement regarding office hours at the end Please DO NOT skip If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you probably know that I can be considered a “fitness nut” LOL. And there’s a good reason for that! I have worked out my entire adult life and I cannot stress enough the incredible health benefits from my exercise habits—including normal blood pressure, easily maintaining my weight, sound sleep, combatting stress and high...

Should you be doing this to prevent disease?
One of the biggest mistakes people make with respect to their health is to assume that the absence of symptoms is indicative of good health. Not necessarily so. You see, sickness and disease don’t just suddenly pop up out of nowhere. Instead it is more of a gradual process that you might not even pick up on for a while. Here’s what I mean—it all starts with irritation which progresses to inflammation. You irritate...

Finally—pain relief without dangerous drugs!
According to the CDC, longstanding or frequent pain affects over 70 million Americans! Out of that total, 50 million reported having “chronic pain” defined as pain that has lasted at least three months, and the other 20 million suffer from “high-impact chronic pain” which frequently limits their life or work activities. With all that pain going on, people are naturally desperate for relief…so they typically turn to their local pharmacy. The most popular types...