Are you being manipulated like this?
Are you being manipulated like this? I’ve been in the health field for 40 years in one capacity or another, and although being able to help others has been a rewarding blessing to me, I’ve also “gone down a rabbit hole” and come to realize the extent of the dark side of our modern medical system. Now, before I ruffle any feathers, I want to stress that there are exceptions to everything, and what I’m...
Why is the CDC completely mum on these conditions?
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect our main governing health agency—the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—to provide true, accurate and reliable information about the causes of death in the US. Too bad they’re failing miserably to do their jobs. I say that because there has been and continues to be a huge omission in the CDC’s statistics as they pertain to deaths and mortality, as well as a vast overstatement. As...
A blatantly ignored cause of disease and death
Despite what you may read on most pharmaceutical company-sponsored “health” websites and even what your doctor may tell you, disease doesn’t just pop out of nowhere and bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. Disease is not normal, it is not a reflection of your body needing some drug, it’s not something you should expect as you age, and it is not some mysterious phenomenon that nobody can explain and for which you have...
Cases of this disease are exploding—but no one’s talking about it
I think it’s fair to say that we should be able to expect the CDC to be rather thorough in its reporting of disease information. After all, the “Centers For Disease Control and Prevention” implies that they actually have reliable statistics to help control and prevent disease. Well, I beg to differ. Because there is a huge omission in the CDC’s disease statistics as they pertain to deaths and mortality, based on my recent...
A virus the media should be talking about
It’s hard to deny that viruses have been a topic of much discussion and media focus over the last several decades, with COVID-19 most recently, Zika, Ebola and H1N1 in the past, and certainly the flu emerges as a hot topic every fall. But there’s another MUCH more prevalent virus than any of those that is affecting up to 95 percent of Americans, but the mainstream media is completely mum on the subject! It’s...
Tired? Joint aches? It could be Lyme disease!
I would like to sincerely thank all of you for the incredible number of responses I received to Wednesday’s blog asking for your questions and topic requests! After all, this blog is for you—so I’m happy to know what you want to hear about or are concerned about. One comment that jumped right out at me immediately, especially this time of year, was a reader (Katherine) asking about Lyme disease. Even though Lyme disease...