Finally—pain relief without dangerous drugs!
According to the CDC, longstanding or frequent pain affects over 70 million Americans! Out of that total, 50 million reported having “chronic pain” defined as pain that has lasted at least three months, and the other 20 million suffer from “high-impact chronic pain” which frequently limits their life or work activities. With all that pain going on, people are naturally desperate for relief…so they typically turn to their local pharmacy. The most popular types...

Safe, effective pain relief without deadly drugs
According to reports by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), serious chronic pain affects a whopping 116 million Americans—that is over one out of three of us! And naturally with all that pain going on, people are desperate for relief…so they usually turn to their local pharmacy. The most popular types of pain-relieving drugs include NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), acetaminophen (Tylenol) and opioid painkillers. While all three can achieve their desired result of reducing your...
- Tags: anti-inflammatory, arthritis, Inflammation, Opioids, Pain, pain relief, Vitamin B12

Arthritis relief without deadly painkillers!
Back in the 60s and 70s when I was a kid, arthritis was something that only happened to older people like my grandparents. Unfortunately, that has changed drastically and arthritis can affect people at ALL ages—including children! Here are some facts about arthritis that I bet you never knew, as well as ways you can achieve safe relief without dangerous painkiller if it affects you. [[big4]]The numbers are growing[[end]] According to the CDC, an estimated 54 million people in the US have arthritis—that’s about one out of six of us. That number also includes over 300,000 children! Things don’t look...

What is the best medicine of all?
There’s a loaded question! What do you think is the best medicine of all? Many people would say antibiotics. Well, it’s true that they’ve saved lives, but they have also destroyed our gut microbiomes and spurred the development of “Superbugs” that resist our strongest antibiotics and can pose a threat to your life. Others may say proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These drugs do what they’re supposed to—shut down your stomach acid so it can’t...

Carpal tunnel relief—without surgery or steroids!
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very painful condition that affects about 8-10 million people in the US and 60 million people worldwide. Symptoms of carpal tunnel include numbness or tingling in the fingers and hands, pain and throbbing in the fingers, hand, wrist or forearm, a weakened grip, and difficulty moving or using the hands. It typically results from overuse of the hands—such as with typing, writing, driving, playing sports, using tools, or...

Promising hope for fibromyalgia sufferers
About 10 million Americans (75 - 90 percent of which are women) suffer from fibromyalgia—arguably one of the most painful conditions ever known. The pain and associated symptoms (more on those below) can be so debilitating that the condition can not only affect you physically but also mentally, emotionally, socially and economically. It can impair your ability to work, go to school, drive, socialize, do household chores or even engage in routine activities of...
- Tags: Digestive Health, Fibromyalgia, Hormones, Pain, Sleep, Stress, Vitamin D