Quiz: Is this tiny creature ruining YOUR health?
Have you ever seen a horror movie where a normal person suddenly turns into a hideous creature like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or the Wolfman? Well, something similar can be going on inside of you this very second with some tiny creatures that you can't even see with the naked eye. As a result you may be suffering some serious symptoms and probably don't even know why. Chances are excellent that you might...

Do you have this disease risk? Bet your doc doesn’t know!
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, you’ve probably noticed that I tell it like it is and don’t sugar-coat anything. That’s especially true with respect to my feelings about mainstream medicine. Now don’t get me wrong—I have a lot of respect for people in the medical field that truly want to help others. The problem I have lies more with the training that most medical professionals receive because it is...
- Tags: Candida, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Yeast

It’s a fact—carb addiction is real! (Here’s how to break free)
I once worked with someone who absolutely could not say no to starchy carbs and sugars. She always had a box of some kind of chip or cracker in her desk at work. She used to sneak to the little store across the street from the office and buy cookies or candy after lunch. When we would have a birthday celebration for a co-worker, she would take a second piece of cake later in...

Can we talk about a taboo subject?
I have to confess that I get my inspirations for writing sometimes in the strangest, most warped ways. Today I have an appointment for my annual GYN checkup…and while I’m happy to report I’m feeling fine, the same cannot be said for many other women who may be paying a visit to their gynecologist today. Because one of the most common reasons to see a GYN is a vaginal yeast infection! Ah yes, most...

Can you really be addicted to carbs?
When the word “addiction” comes up, the average person typically thinks of someone who has a problem with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes…or maybe even gambling or sex. But there is a whole other category of addiction that most people don’t even think of… Unless you’re affected by it. I’m talking about addiction to sugars and starchy carbs. People whose 4 food groups are pasta, breads, sweets and crackers are sometimes humorously referred to as...
- Tags: Addiction, Carbohydrates, Healthy Eating, Stress, Sugar, Yeast

A sneaky health wrecker that’s overlooked by doctors
Probably the biggest downfall of our mainstream medical system is that it’s primarily symptom-focused and not cause-focused. So much emphasis is placed on prescribing measures (usually drugs) that lessen or take away symptoms while the underlying cause remains largely unexplored. As a result, millions of people spend a good part of their lives chained to a prescription bottle because without it, their symptoms come back and they feel miserable. Plus let’s not forget that...
- Tags: Candida, Digestive Health, Healthy Living, Immune Health, Yeast