Holistic Blends Blog


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Most people don’t get enough of this—do you?

Most people don’t get enough of this—do you?

  If I were to tell you that a certain substance could reduce your risk of dying prematurely from any cause, would you be interested in knowing what it was? How about if I also told you that this substance helps older adults remain free of disease, disability and physical limitations well into their golden years? Does that sound good to you? Well, this seemingly magical lifesaving substance is none other than… Fiber! Here’s the...

Jul 03, 2024 0 comments

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8 Common causes of your digestive misery

8 Common causes of your digestive misery

I recently saw a survey which reported that as many as 74 percent of Americans suffer from digestive misery at least occasionally, and at least 25 percent of us suffer from some form of “GI fireworks” on a regular basis!
Now the begging question here is: What’s going on?
Why are we so gassy, bloated, always belching and burping, and the leaders of the free world in heartburn, constipation and diarrhea?
Jun 01, 2018 9 comments

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Got diarrhea?  Here’s how to dry things up fast

Got diarrhea? Here’s how to dry things up fast

Diarrhea is the subject of many jokes, but the truth is, when you’ve got it, it’s no laughing matter.  Now, occasional diarrhea is one thing—it usually clears up in a day or two. But it’s quite another when diarrhea becomes a regular thing for you—known as chronic diarrhea.  Let's take a little closer look at this often joked-about but potentially serious condition.
Mar 27, 2018 1 comment

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