8 out of 10 people have this deadly deficiency—do you?


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8 out of 10 people have this deadly deficiency—do you?

It’s pretty safe to say that lacking in nutrients is never a good thing.  They all have their own “specialties” in terms of how they support your health.

But there’s one nutrient in particular that you don’t want to be low in.

Because without the inner workings of this nutrient taking place in your body, your health will most assuredly suffer…and it can even be deadly.

I’m talking about magnesium.

Here’s all you need to know about magnesium, and why it’s very likely that you’re running low.

Magnesium—the magnificent mineral

Here is just some of magnesium’s incredible resume:

The calcium-magnesium partnership

Magnesium works with calcium to help keep your teeth and bones strong. 

So understandably, magnesium deficiency can be just as much of an underlying cause of osteoporosis as calcium, although most people aren’t aware of that.

Magnesium and calcium partner up in your muscles too.  Calcium causes your muscles to contract, then magnesium makes your muscles relax.

The most obvious example of this is your heart beating.  The calcium and magnesium work together to orchestrate the “lub-dup, lub-dup” in your chest.

But when this partnership is imbalanced by too little magnesium (and not enough “relaxation”), it can cause irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms, tremors, cramps, twitching and even convulsions!

Magnesium deficiency has even been implicated as a cause or contributing factor in the development of fibromyalgia.

In addition, calcium levels in your bloodstream are regulated and controlled by magnesium, so being low in magnesium means that calcium can build up too much in your bloodstream.

When this happens, your body deposits the excess calcium in places like your gallbladder, your joints, kidneys and arterial walls.

This can eventually lead to gallstones, joint problems, bone spurs, kidney stones and atherosclerosis.

Magnesium & inflammation

Magnesium deficiency is associated with elevated levels of a compound called C-reactive protein, which is a marker of chronic inflammation.  High levels of C-reactive protein are an indication of increased heart disease risk.

Magnesium & your immune system

Magnesium is essential for proper vitamin D absorption, and since vitamin D is critical for proper immune system functioning, magnesium deficiencies lead to immune disorders and increase your risk of autoimmune conditions.

Magnesium deficiencies also weaken the immune system and make you much more susceptible to infections, viruses and disease.

Magnesium & your nervous system

Magnesium is critical for your nervous system and cell energy production—so lacking in it can cause chronic fatigue.

Your body also uses magnesium to produce important neurotransmitters such as serotonin. 

So it’s not surprising that magnesium deficiency is common in people with depression, and all the antidepressants in the world won’t change that. 

Magnesium deficiency can also cause confusion, delirium, sleep disturbances, schizophrenia and behavioral disturbances.

And there’s even more

Over 300 different enzymes in your body need magnesium to perform their functions.

Magnesium is also needed for digestion and for building RNA and DNA molecules, as well as proper insulin production (an important note for diabetics).

Magnesium deficiency is also tied to the development of menstrual problems such as lower back pain and cramps.

How will I know?

By now you’re probably wondering if magnesium deficiency may be a concern for you. 

Well, studies have shown that a shocking 80 percent of US adults are low in magnesium to some degree!

What makes this even more concerning is that a deficiency is often difficult for a doctor to diagnose. 

The initial signs of magnesium deficiency--loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue and increased thirst -- are also common symptoms of many other health conditions.

Plus there’s not even a blood test that can make a deficiency glaringly obvious! Since only 1 percent of your body’s magnesium is found in your blood (most is in your bones and organs), a blood test is basically useless. 

Below is a magnesium deficiency symptom/condition checklist that can help you zero in and see if deficiency may be a concern for you.  The more items you check, the more likely it is that you are low in magnesium.

Magnesium Deficiency Checklist

______ Behavioral disturbances

______ Irritability and anxiety

______ Lethargy

______ Impaired memory and cognitive function

______ Loss of appetite

______ Nausea and vomiting

______ Seizures

______ Muscle weakness, spasms or cramps

______ Tics, twitches, tremors

______ Hyperactive reflexes

______ Impaired muscle coordination (ataxia)

______ Involuntary eye movements and vertigo

______ Difficulty swallowing

______ Elevated blood sugar

______ Irregular or rapid heartbeat

______ Depression

______ Chronic fatigue

______ ADHD

______ Fibromyalgia

______ Epilepsy

______ Parkinson’s disease

______ Sleep problems

______ Migraine, cluster headaches

______ Osteoporosis

______ Premenstrual syndrome

______ Chest pain

______ Heart disease and atherosclerosis

______ Blood clots

______ Hypertension

______ Type 2 diabetes

______ Asthma


Why could YOU be running low?

The most common causes of magnesium deficiency include:

1) Insufficient dietary sources of magnesium—mainly due to eating processed food (and Heaven knows that describes boatloads of Americans!)

2) Drinking beverages that interfere with your absorption of magnesium—soda, caffeinated beverages and too much alcohol

3) Taking prescription drugs that impair magnesium absorption in the body (especially diuretics, antibiotics and birth control pills)

4) Blood sugar imbalance

5) Harmful bacterial overgrowth in the gut (dysbiosis) and intestinal permeability (leaky gut) that reduce nutrient absorption

6) Mental, emotional and physical stressors

Help turn it around!

The good news is that you can help overcome a magnesium deficiency and see some incredible changes in your health as a result!

In addition to avoiding the medications that cause it (diuretics, antibiotics and oral contraceptives) as much as possible (ask your doctor about alternatives) and reducing stress in your life, here are four ways to make sure your body is getting and keeping the magnesium you need:

1- Get dietary sources of magnesium

Dietary sources of magnesium include:

  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Meats
  • Seafood
  • Nuts
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Swiss chard and other leafy greens
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Seeds such as sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds

The flip side of that is to also avoid nutrient-poor refined carbs, processed foods, fast foods, soda, caffeinated drinks and overconsumption of alcohol. 

Not only will that help you concentrate on eating more nutrient-rich real foods, but avoiding refined carbs and soda is also a great way to help stabilize your blood sugar.

2- Support better digestion

Getting sources of magnesium is only half of the equation. 

The other half is that you must ensure you are absorbing the magnesium!

And that is a factor of how efficient your digestion is. 

You can eat food sources of nutrients or take supplements until the cows come home, but if your body is not absorbing the nutrients, it’s nothing but a waste of time and money, and you will likely continue to suffer.

The best way to make sure your meals are not only loaded with delicious real, nutrient-dense foods but that you are also helping to ensure efficient digestion is to follow the guidelines in the Great Taste No Pain system.

Great Taste No Pain gives you loads of delicious ways to enjoy nutrient-packed real foods and shows you how to construct meals that are much easier for your system to break down.

Not only will this help enhance your absorption of nutrients (including magnesium) but it will also help curb digestive disasters like gas, bloating, constipation and acid reflux too!

3- Supplement with probiotics to support gut wall health

The integrity of your gut wall is very dependent on having a healthy gut microbiome.

The friendly bacteria in your system help to keep your gut wall non-porous, as well as assisting with digestion and nutrient absorption and keeping harmful bacteria under control.

The ideal flora balance is having at least 85 percent beneficial bacteria and no more than 15 percent harmful.

But many people are walking around with the complete OPPOSITE of what they should have!  This is due to poor digestion, environmental toxins, medications, stress, refined carbs and lack of sleep.

So in addition to a healthy diet like I mentioned above, it's essential to give your gut a helping hand with a quality, full-spectrum probiotic supplement like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.

Super Shield contains strong, effective strains of 13 friendly bacteria that are robust and ready to take their place in your system.  They'll help fend off harmful microbes, keep your digestion smooth, aid in absorbing of nutrients and support a strong gut wall. 

4- Cover all bases with a multi-vitamin and mineral formula

Eating nutritious foods should always be a priority, but the fact is our food is not as nutritious as it once was…so the best way to thoroughly protect yourself against deficiencies is to take a complete, well-rounded multi vitamin and mineral formula like Super Core.

Super Core contains a health-supporting blend of essential vitamins and minerals (including magnesium!), as well as natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.  Free radicals and inflammation are two of the biggest causes of chronic disease, and Super Core helps counteract those harmful forces in your body! 

When your body is lacking in ANY nutrient, there will be health consequences to pay…and magnesium happens to be one of the BIGGIES in terms of the health price it can cost you!

Make sure your body is getting all it needs and it will thank you handsomely for years to come.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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