Your gallbladder—Nature’s “mistake” or vital organ?


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Your gallbladder—Nature’s “mistake” or vital organ?


I recently spoke with a client who told me that she underwent exploratory surgery for abdominal pain, and during the procedure, her doctor removed her gallbladder because it appeared inflamed. 

She was assured that her gallbladder wasn’t really necessary anyway, and that she will be just fine without it.

That has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made, and it baffles me how so many medical professionals not only say it but actually believe it.

There are no mistakes in Nature, my friend—nothing is in your body by accident, and that includes your gallbladder. 

Let me elaborate on all that your gallbladder does and why life is anything BUT hunky dory once you lose it.

Nature’s holding tank

Your gallbladder and liver work together as a team.

About a quart of bile is secreted each day by your liver and gets sent to the gallbladder through the common bile duct.  While the gallbladder is holding the bile, it absorbs excess water out of it, making it more concentrated and stronger—to the tune of 5 to 18 times more concentrated!

Then when you eat a meal, the gallbladder contracts and releases bile into the upper part of your small intestine (the duodenum). 

The bile works like a detergent on grease—it emulsifies the fat, cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K in your food, and then your pancreatic lipases (fat enzymes) finish the job.

Then the bile gets absorbed through the intestinal wall and sent back to your liver to be reused—for up to 20 times.

Life without your gallbladder

Without having your gallbladder there to hold and concentrate bile, the (weak, un-concentrated) bile instead randomly trickles directly from the liver into the small intestine…so you eventually end up having too little bile when you need it!

Here is the ripple effect of having no gallbladder and being bile-deficient:

Your cholesterol can’t be balanced. 

Bile is needed to help eliminate free (excess) cholesterol from your body, so without bile, you are at risk for elevated cholesterol levels.

You can’t eliminate toxins.

Your liver is your organ of detox, and it works its magic by filtering toxins out of your bloodstream and putting them into your bile to be excreted through the intestinal tract. 

Well, without enough bile to do the job, toxins can build up in your liver, and eventually impair its functioning.

Your liver can get to the point where it becomes backed up or “constipated” just like your colon.

You run into thyroid trouble.

The (inactive) thyroid hormone T4 is converted to the active T3 form by your liver and gallbladder, but without your gallbladder, this conversion can’t take place, and eventually your thyroid function can be affected. 

Your thyroid controls most of your body’s functions from head to toe, so having thyroid troubles is opening up a Pandora’s Box of health issues!

You get constipated.

Bile lubricates your colon, so being deficient in bile can cause you to become constipated.

You become deficient in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Here is just a brief synopsis of what each of these vitamins does for you, and why you don’t want to be without them:

Vitamin A: Important for vision; without it your vision (especially night vision) suffers.  Also dry skin develops.

Vitamin D: Without vitamin D, your bone level of calcium can’t be regulated, and you can develop bone pain.  Your immune system also suffers, and you are at an increased risk of depression and heart disease.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E increases oxygen to your heart, and is called the anti-angina nutrient, so it’s not something you want to be without.  Also being low in vitamin E can affect your fertility.

Vitamin K: Prevents calcium from building up in your arteries and joints.

You become deficient in Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Omega-3 EFAs are Nature’s anti-inflammatory and being low in them can increase your risk of arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure and depression. 

In addition, your brain absolutely MUST have Omega-3 fatty acids to function.

So, tell me: What about the gallbladder sounds “unnecessary” or like a mistake to you?

Pamper your precious gallbladder and liver

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to help keep your gallbladder and liver working like they should:

Get tested

A study published in The Lancet found that about half of the people with gallstones had low levels of hydrochloric acid (HCl).  Your doctor can test your level of HCl with either a Heidelberg capsule test or SmartPill test.

A liver function profile can be helpful to see if there’s a problem with your liver.  Many times what are thought to be gallbladder issues are actually problems with the liver! 

Also, investigate food sensitivities.  Studies have shown an association between food sensitivities and gallbladder disease.  

Eat your way to healthy organs

This is crucial.  NOTHING can undo the domino-like, health-wrecking effects of a highly processed diet.

Concentrate on fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and healthy fats like butter, coconut oil and olive oil. 

At the same time, limit refined carbs and sources of gluten (like bread, pasta and pastries, as well as processed foods) and avoid unhealthy fats like vegetable oils and margarine at all cost.


Studies show that as many as 34 percent of cases of gallbladder disease cases could be prevented by increasing exercise to 30 minutes, five times per week.

Get your doctor’s OK and get moving.

Flush out your liver

Every morning drink a large glass of room temperature water to which a splash of fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar has been added. 

But what if I have gallstones?

If you have been diagnosed with gallstones, note that many times they can dissolve on their own (with monitoring by your doctor, of course).

Gallstones that get caught in the common bile duct are more dangerous and painful than gallstones in the gallbladder.  But they can be removed by a physician trained in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

With ERCP, the doctor inserts a scope through your mouth down to the small intestine (under anesthesia!) and through the duodenum to inject a dye, allowing the bile ducts to be seen. He can then often remove any gallstones that have moved into the ducts.

In addition, taking a digestive enzyme formula like Digestizol Max can be very useful in supporting all of your digestive organs.

Digestizol Max contains an effective blend of 15 natural, plant-derived enzymes that help your body break down all kinds of foods (fats included!) and help keep digestion smoother and more efficient.

In addition, eat artichokes and bitter greens like chicory, arugula and radicchio.  All of these may be added to a tossed salad.

If your gallbladder is already gone

If your gallbladder has already gone to gallbladder heaven, it’s VITAL to not only support proper digestion with Digestizol Max enzyme supplementation, but also to compensate for any nutritional deficiencies you are likely incurring.

Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B can help support where your body may be lacking in the fat-soluble vitamins D and K, which are the most common deficiencies for people with or without their gallbladders alike.    

And VitalMega-3 fish oil formula can help ensure your body has the crucial omega-3 essential fatty acids you need to curb inflammation and support cardiovascular and brain health!

Take care of your precious gallbladder or help compensate for it if it’s gone.  I’m sure you’ll see a big difference in how you feel.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Many thanks for the gall bladder article. It has clarified the situation that I suffered from for a long time after having my gall bladder removed. Thanks to you I found out how important enzymes are and take them regularly with meals and find that they really do alleviate the problem. I wish your products did not attract customs duty so that we could buy them here in Europe at a reasonable price…

    Jane on

  • Sherry, I have learned so much about my life in this article of yours! I had my gallbladder removed 33 years ago 6 months after having my last child. Everything you say is right on target. I was told gall bladder issues were genetic: my mom, my aunt & some female cousins had all had theirs removed. I thought, “Ok, so maybe it’s not so bad?! They’re alive & seem to be doing well.” Long story short, I became vegetarian 30 years ago for spiritual reasons, but the physical benefits are very pronounced! Luckily, I supplement with most of the vitamins you mentioned except K. I haven’t learned enough about why it’s necessary or that if taking too much one can develop blood clotting issues. Since 2008 or so have taken your Supershield Probiotic & Digestizol on & off. I can definitely tell the difference. I went without on purpose the 1st time & tried local products from different stores, price varied, but not necessarily cheaper than Supershield. Nothing worked as well as Supershield, a fact for me! Over the years, I’ve preferred to buy my mom (just turned 103) her supplements & have had to let mine lapse, sorry to say. At one time when I could afford it, I took Supershield Probiotic, Hydroxaden 2.5 & Digestizol. Look forward to the day when I can get back to all 3.

    Cristela B. Sifuentez on

  • This is one of the most comprehensive articles on the gallbladder that I have ever read and I was in the medical field. I Presumed physicians were aware of the value of the gallbladder nowadays but it seems there are some out there who need Continuing education.

    Eileen Bartelt on

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