Holistic Blends Blog


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We’d better wake up before it’s too late!

We’d better wake up before it’s too late!

Brace yourself because I have some very disturbing statistics to share with you today. A JAMA study has shown that children and teens get a whopping 67 percent (two-thirds) of their daily calories from highly processed foods! So is it any wonder they’re overweight, depressed, can’t sit still or concentrate, and over half (54 percent) of them have at least one chronic illness? Adults are no better. As adults we “should” appreciate the importance of...

Jun 10, 2024 0 comments

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Nine tests your doctor should run…but probably doesn’t

Nine tests your doctor should run…but probably doesn’t

I think that one of the best feelings in the world is when you go for a checkup and are given a clean bill of health. Fair statement? But unfortunately, a clean bill of health does not necessarily guarantee that you are healthy. Because although you may get a thumbs up from your doc following your physical exam and bloodwork, trouble may still be brewing. To get a more complete picture of your innards and...

Jun 07, 2024 0 comments

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Don’t do this if you want to look younger

Don’t do this if you want to look younger

I once spoke at a “Fitness and Healthy Living” event in Los Angeles that I will never forget because most everything I saw around me was anything BUT healthy. The exhibit hall was filled with displays of very processed “workout” foods and snacks, diet shakes and pills, and most significantly…LOADS of people (mainly women) who have obviously had several Botox treatments. Now there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look youthful.  But when someone gets to...

May 22, 2024 0 comments

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Hot Flashes & Can't Sleep? This Can Help!

Hot Flashes & Can't Sleep? This Can Help!

I recently saw this funny description of menopause: “Menopause is a Latin word that means men, you might wanna pause before you do anything that’s gonna tick this woman off.” Menopause is certainly the subject of many jokes, but when you’re going through it, it’s not so humorous. But the good news is there are some very innovative, effective ways to help you feel like you’ve “turned back the clock!” Let’s start by looking at...

May 15, 2024 0 comments

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A very preventable cause of chronic disease

A very preventable cause of chronic disease

I remember having a conversation with a woman who told me how fortunate she felt to be in good health in her early 60's. This is how she described "good health": Her cholesterol stayed under 200 with Crestor Her blood pressure was controlled with amlodipine Omeprazole kept her acid reflux at bay Metformin brought her A1C down to < 6% THAT'S good health? This woman is anything BUT healthy. What she has is a chemically...

May 10, 2024 0 comments

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No way around it - you've GOT to do this

No way around it - you've GOT to do this

I was once challenged to say what I do for a living without saying what I do for a living. I responded, “I tell people what they don’t want to hear, but need to hear.” Sound about right? And although the initial focus of my coaching is about diet and nutrition, the questions I usually ask go way beyond, “What are your typical meals and what supplements do you take?” Because the next most important...

May 08, 2024 0 comments

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