The worst form of sugar on the planet


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The worst form of sugar on the planet

Dec 08, 2020 0 comments
The worst form of sugar on the planet


I think it’s reasonable to say that most people are aware that sugar is not exactly a health food.

Fair statement?

Generally speaking, sugar causes or contributes to a tsunami of ill health effects, including obesity (which is a major COVID risk factor), chronic inflammation, insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes (another COVID factor), depressed immune function, cancer, heart disease, and yeast (Candida) overgrowth.

That is particularly true when you’re talking about fructose—especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). 

But what about other forms of sugar (like glucose)?  Are they both equally bad?

And does that mean you should avoid fresh fruit, because it too contains fructose?

Here is what you need to know:

Glucose versus fructose—what’s the difference?

Most of the carbohydrates you eat (including bread, pasta, vegetables and grains) are converted to glucose upon digestion. 

Every single cell in your body uses glucose for energy (especially your brain!), so most of what you consume is “burned up” (as long as you don’t overeat, that is!).  Your liver only has to metabolize about 20 percent of the glucose you take in.

Fructose, on the other hand, is not used by your body for energy.  100 percent of the fructose you take in must be metabolized by your liver, so it’s no wonder that there’s an association between fatty liver disease and fructose consumption—your liver gets far more challenged with fructose than glucose.

In addition, since it is not used as an energy source, fructose turns into fatty acids, very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL aka very bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides, which are then stored as FAT.

Glucose fills you up, but fructose makes you overeat!

Glucose suppresses your hunger hormone ghrelin and stimulates the hormone leptin, which then curbs your appetite.  This is how your body responds to hunger and recognizes satiety.

Fructose, on the other hand, has no effect on your hunger hormones.  So since your body doesn’t sense satiety, it’s very easy to overeat fructose…and pack on the pounds as a result. 

In addition, the fatty acids created during fructose metabolism accumulate in your muscle tissues, triggering insulin resistance.  As this worsens over time, eventually metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes may come knocking.

But what about fruit?

Although all fructose is metabolized the same way by your liver, when the source of your fructose is fresh fruit, you are getting fructose in its pure, natural form, and taking in FAR less than you would from products made with the highly processed HFCS. 

For example, a medium apple contains 13 grams of natural fructose, whereas a can of Coke has a whopping 39 grams, (3 times as much!) ALL in the form of HFCS.

See the difference?

Plus fresh fruit has many healthful components, including nutrients, fiber and natural water, so it’s not something you need to avoid.  Just limit your consumption to about 15-20 grams of fructose a day.

Here is a chart that can guide you with making wise fruit choices:

Fruit portion

Grams of fructose

1 lime
1 lemon
1 cup cranberries
1 date
1/8 cantaloupe
1 cup raspberries
1 kiwi
1 cup blackberries
1 cup strawberries
10 cherries
1 slice pineapple
1 grapefruit
1 tangerine        
1 peach or nectarine
1 orange
1/2 papaya
1 medium banana
1 cup blueberries
1/4 mango
1 small apple
1 pear
1 cup grapes


Natural fructose vs. HFCS—there IS a difference!

It has long been suspected by many nutrition professionals (myself included) that all fructose is not created equal, and studies are starting to illustrate the different impacts on your health from natural fructose versus HFCS. 

Research performed by the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Centre of St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada showed that natural fructose in the form of fresh fruit and fruit juice, when consumed in reasonable amounts and not to excess, did not have a harmful effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.

Plus the fruit’s fiber and nutrients were added healthy bonuses.

On the other hand, foods and drinks sweetened with HFCS had a definite harmful metabolic effect and raised the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes considerably. 

And as if that’s not enough, HFCS is typically made with genetically engineered corn to boot, so you’re taking in cancer-causing glyphosate with every sip or bite.

So now what do you do?

The answer here is simple—it’s crucial to avoid HFCS as much as possible.  Your life just may depend on it!

A good way to start is to stick to wholesome real foods.  Do most of your grocery shopping in the outer perimeter of the store—where real foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs and dairy are located.    HFCS hides in most processed and fast foods, so by avoiding those, you inherently avoid HFCS. 

The biggest offender here is soda.  Soda is the #1 source of HFCS in existence, so do yourself a favor and stay far away from it.  (And don’t you even think about asking me if diet soda is better.  With diet soda you are merely trading one poison—HFCS—for another—aspartame or sucralose.)

If you need a fizzy fix while you’re giving up soda, have club soda with a splash of fresh lemon or lime, or even orange, grapefruit or cranberry juice. 

And read labels carefully.  Even seemingly innocent things like ketchup, barbecue sauce and salad dressing can contain HFCS. 

Help your gut recover too

Your gut microbiome takes a serious hit from high sugar consumption, especially HFCS. 

Harmful yeasts and bacteria feed on sugar and can gain the “upper hand” over your beneficial bacteria, which in turn can weaken your immune system functioning as well as impact your digestion and nutrient absorption and spur the development of leaky gut.

But a top-notch powerhouse probiotic like Super Shield Plus multi-strain probiotic formula can help your gut recover from “sugar abuse.”

Super Shield Plus’s effective blend of 15 potent probiotic strains can help bring the most challenged, topsy-turvy microbiome into a healthier balance, as well as support strong immune function, less gas and constipation and more regular BMs!

Now you know what you need to know about fructose!  And if you’re ever in doubt about this or any other food issues, just remember that natural is always best.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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