Discover what’s causing your IBS—and end it for good!
Let’s play an imagine game for a moment. Imagine that you get gassy and bloated pretty much every time you eat. Imagine almost never having a normal BM—you frequently have constipation, diarrhea or go back and forth between the two. Imagine having cramps and abdominal pain no matter what you eat, and your pain is only relieved by passing volumes of gas or having a BM. Imagine that all of the above have a...

Is this diet all it’s cracked up to be?
As a nutrition coach, people are always asking me what I think of a certain diet. It’s not surprising. After all, there are about 30,000 diets in existence so you are bound to come across one you haven’t heard of and want to get the skinny on it. Many diets are what I call “repackaged”—meaning they are similar to an existing diet, but just have a new name and a few different tweaks. Tom...
Are you finally ready to end your IBS?
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, you are probably aware that I used to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Looking back, I can say that my (former) condition was both a curse and a blessing. A curse, of course, because I suffered for many years with regular gas, bloating and anything-but-normal bowel movements. But it was also a blessing because, since I was able to eradicate my condition with...

Make 2021 the year you end your IBS!
I recently struck up a conversation with a couple of women at a holiday get-together. When it came up that I’m a nutrition coach, one of the women said, “Oh, that explains why you’re so healthy-looking and thin. I bet you’ve always been super-healthy, right?” They were shocked when I said, “Nope—not at all! Thirty years ago I was suffering big time with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But that’s all over now.” One of...