What does your tongue say about your health?
Modern medicine uses a very pinpointed approach and typically narrows its diagnostic efforts on the “troublesome spot.” For example, if you go to the doctor reporting abdominal pain and diarrhea, you’ll likely get tests aimed at the gut, such as a lower GI series, ultrasound, colonoscopy or maybe a barium enema. On the other hand, traditional medicine (which includes acupuncture and Ayurveda) looks at the entire body as a series of parts and systems...
The best, most delicious cancer fighting foods!
As you probably know, I’m not a big fan of “awareness” events, especially when they revolve around health issues like cancer. Whether you know it or not, most of the money raised in cancer awareness events goes to drug and genetic research. We’ve spent trillions of dollars in cancer research since President Nixon declared his “War on Cancer” in 1971. But it remains our #2 killer. Clearly, we’re dropping the ball somewhere. While it’s...
A very preventable cause of chronic disease
I remember having a conversation with a woman who told me how fortunate she felt to be in good health in her early 60's. This is how she described "good health": Her cholesterol stayed under 200 with Crestor Her blood pressure was controlled with amlodipine Omeprazole kept her acid reflux at bay Metformin brought her A1C down to < 6% THAT'S good health? This woman is anything BUT healthy. What she has is a chemically...
When “stomach problems” aren’t your stomach at all
$10 off Digestizol Max sale ends today! I think it’s safe to say that there is an abundance of people who have what are commonly called “stomach problems” including bloating, belching, burping, indigestion and an ability to play a symphony with one’s flatulence. In fact, an astonishing 74 percent (nearly three out of four) of us suffer occasional or chronic (as in several times a week or daily) digestive problems. The pharmaceutical industry pops the...
5 Diet Misconceptions... Have you been fooled?
I’m going to start today’s blog by giving you some rather unsettling statistics. Currently in the US: Seven out of ten adults have at least one chronic condition, and shockingly, so do 54 percent of our children. Three out of four of us are overweight or obese. Eight out of ten of us are medicated, and over half of us take two or more medications each day. What in the world is going ON? Well,...
Craving carbs? Here’s how to finally stop!
The health issues that my clients discuss with me truly run the gamut, but by far the most common concern I hear is: HOW CAN I STOP CRAVING CARBS?!! Carb cravings are especially challenging this time of year when you are surrounded by Thanksgiving pies, dinner rolls, homemade breads, and Christmas cookies and candy. But never fear! Because you CAN break your carb craving cycle. Here is what you need to know: Know the...