Let's Talk About Super Shield PLUS
Super Shield PLUS is a potent 15-strain, 20 billion CFU multi-strain formula that is highly effective for people with chronic, inflammatory or longstanding digestive problems. These include conditions such as diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, leaky gut, chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Also, some people may not realize this, but 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut microbiome, so the health of your immune system (and its ability to respond like...

Good news for Crohn’s and colitis sufferers
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease or IBD) are painful, debilitating conditions that affect about 3 million Americans, and that number continues to grow. Unfortunately, the standard treatments for IBD frequently make things even worse! Medications cause a variety of side effects and surgery can be life-changing, plus the disease can recur after surgery. But many IBD sufferers have gotten tremendous relief by helping to safely and naturally reduce...

Promising hope for IBD sufferers
Although advances in medicine are being trumpeted every day, there’s not much to celebrate—because as a nation we’re getting sicker and sicker, and that includes our children!
And one type of disease that has been growing exponentially over the last few decades and is affecting young and old alike is autoimmune diseases.

Finally-lasting relief from Crohn’s and colitis
But many IBS sufferers have gotten tremendous relief by helping to safely and naturally reduce the inflammation and stress on their intestines!
If you suffer from Crohn’s or colitis, here is what you need to know about the condition and how you can get lasting relief:

Could Crohn’s or colitis relief be this easy?
It’s a sad reality that at a time in our history when advances in medicine are being made every day, as a nation we’re getting sicker and sicker! One type of condition in particular that is rocketing into the stratosphere is autoimmune diseases. With autoimmune diseases, your immune system is triggered into overreacting and strikes out against your healthy cells and organs, eventually harming them to the point where they can’t function properly or at all.

This is fast emerging as a global killer
I’ve stopped watching movies because you get more “entertainment” watching and reading mainstream media news. Talk about sensationalism and drama—some of these journalists ought to win Academy Awards instead of a Pulitzer Prize. And the thing is, they will only report what their sponsors will allow them to report…so many times a truly imperative issue is swept under the rug because it would ruffle the wrong feathers.