We’d better wake up before it’s too late!
Brace yourself because I have some very disturbing statistics to share with you today. A JAMA study has shown that children and teens get a whopping 67 percent (two-thirds) of their daily calories from highly processed foods! So is it any wonder they’re overweight, depressed, can’t sit still or concentrate, and over half (54 percent) of them have at least one chronic illness? Adults are no better. As adults we “should” appreciate the importance of...

All About Super Shield Plus
Now is the perfect time to stock up on Super Shield PLUS multi-strain probiotic formula, because summer will soon be upon us and and with it comes challenges to your immune system from things like… Taking vacations and going through high-traffic (i.e.: germ-infested) areas like airports, hotels, theme parks, and other attractions. Spring and summer pollen allergies kicking into high gear. Increased intake of sugar at parties, picnics and the neighborhood ice cream stand. More...

Let's Talk About Super Shield PLUS
Super Shield PLUS is a potent 15-strain, 20 billion CFU multi-strain formula that is highly effective for people with chronic, inflammatory or longstanding digestive problems. These include conditions such as diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, leaky gut, chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Also, some people may not realize this, but 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut microbiome, so the health of your immune system (and its ability to respond like...

When “stomach problems” aren’t your stomach at all
$10 off Digestizol Max sale ends today! I think it’s safe to say that there is an abundance of people who have what are commonly called “stomach problems” including bloating, belching, burping, indigestion and an ability to play a symphony with one’s flatulence. In fact, an astonishing 74 percent (nearly three out of four) of us suffer occasional or chronic (as in several times a week or daily) digestive problems. The pharmaceutical industry pops the...

Discover what’s causing your IBS—and end it for good!
Let’s play an imagine game for a moment. Imagine that you get gassy and bloated pretty much every time you eat. Imagine almost never having a normal BM—you frequently have constipation, diarrhea or go back and forth between the two. Imagine having cramps and abdominal pain no matter what you eat, and your pain is only relieved by passing volumes of gas or having a BM. Imagine that all of the above have a...

Awesome natural answers for digestive issues
If you’re among the 7 out of 10 people in the US who suffer from occasional or daily digestive problems, chances are excellent you’ve had Tums, Pepto Bismol or Rolaids as close companions. Maybe you’ve even graduated to the big guns—Nexium, Zantac, Pepcid or Prilosec. But these medications only cover up the problem, and not very well at that. Plus they do absolutely NOTHING to help your digestive system work the way it’s supposed...