The deadly health threat no one talks about


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The deadly health threat no one talks about


I don’t know about you, but I’ve stopped watching and reading mainstream media news because it disgusts me.  Talk about fear mongering, sensationalism and drama—some of these journalists ought to win Academy Awards instead of a Pulitzer Prize.

And the thing is, they will only report what their sponsors allow them to report…so many times a truly imperative issue is slanted or swept under the rug because it would ruffle the wrong feathers and the news media would lose their funding.

Well, right now there is a danger facing all of us that is getting FAR less press than a few hundred cases of measles (AKA a 3 to 7-day rash, fever, sore throat and runny nose from which 99.99999 percent of people recover with no problem), and that is a bloody disservice.

Because it’s something you MUST know about, it is emerging as a potential global killer and could spell disaster for many.

Antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Here is what you must know about this REAL health threat:

It started with recklessness

Over the last several decades we’ve been downright reckless with antibiotics.

They’ve been over-prescribed, used inappropriately (when a bacterial infection was never confirmed), and even used long-term to prevent infections (like ear infections in children).

Plus topical antibiotic lotions have been a popular treatment for acne.  (Yours truly used antibiotic acne lotion back in the 1970s before I knew better!)

This recklessness has also continued onto our farms.

Over 25 million pounds of antibiotics are administered to livestock in the US every year for purposes other than treating infection—instead they are used to make the animals grow larger faster (larger animals = more meat, milk and profits).

And the residue from those antibiotics ends up in the food products from those animals, and eventually in your body.

They don’t play favorites

Antibiotics work by destroying dangerous infection-causing bacteria in your system…but they also kill off your body’s beneficial bacteria too.

Your gut microbiome is where 70 percent of your immune system resides, and when it’s slaughtered by antibiotics, it’s not a temporary minor hit.  Instead it can take your gut up to a YEAR to recover.

Having an unhealthy intestinal flora balance leaves you susceptible to repeated infections (and other illnesses and diseases). 

By the way, I’m convinced my use of topical antibiotics was a factor in my development of IBS when I was young.

In addition, long-term use of antibiotics and the resulting destruction of your microbiome is linked to the development of autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s disease, lupus and MS. 

Bacteria are pretty sharp cookies

One thing that we’ve repeatedly ignored is that bacteria are extraordinarily intelligent.  As such, they can change and evolve and become resistant to antibiotics.

So far, bacteria have found a way around every single antibiotic we’ve developed, and we’re at the point now where they are causing deadly infections that even our most potent drugs can’t touch!

What makes this worse is that drug companies are not interested in developing any new antibiotics.  Instead they are pouring money into vaccines—a lucrative product for which they are completely exempt from liability in the US for any harm or death caused by the shots.

It’s up to you

Here is where you need to take the bull by the horns and minimize your risks.  Our “magical wonder drugs” are quickly becoming useless, and there are no more in the pipeline. 

It’s up to YOU.

Here are some very effective measures that can help:

Support strong immune function

The stronger your immune system is, the less likely it is that you will need antibiotics to begin with.  When it comes to immune support, nothing beats Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formulaIts 13 strains of potent beneficial bacteria will help repopulate your supply of friendly intestinal flora, which is vital for a strong functioning immune system.

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D helps counteract the overzealous, inflammatory immune reactions that are associated with autoimmune diseases.  Unfortunately, many of us are deficient in this crucial nutrient. 

In addition to spending time in the sun unprotected (20 minutes or so), a top-notch supplement like Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B can help ensure you have healthful levels of vitamin D, as well as its partner vitamin K.

Talk to your doctor

If you are on long-term antibiotics, talk to your doctor about other, safer options.  If he asks why show him this article.

If you get sick and go to the doctor, make sure you have a bacterial infection versus a virus!  Insist on being tested. 

And most importantly, use antibiotics only when necessary and other measures (such as rest, vitamin C, garlic and lots of fluids) have not been enough to help you overcome a bacterial infection.

Buy organic meat and dairy

This is the only way you can be sure you are getting antibiotic-free food.

Support healthy levels of yeast

Candida (yeast) is always present in your gut, but when it is allowed to grow out of control (which is a common side-effect of antibiotics, that in turn prompts treatment with even more antibiotics!) it can wreak havoc in the form of vaginal infections, skin and nail infections and more.

If yeast overgrowth has been an issue for you, the natural herbal antimicrobials in our Optimal Yeast Support Blend can help promote a healthier yeast balance and keep Candida at bay. 

Reduce stress

Chronic stress can damage the friendly flora in your gut, thereby weakening your immune system and increasing your susceptibility to illness.

Keep in mind that regular exercise is the #1 best stress reducer there is!  Just make sure to get your doctor’s OK first.   

Get enough sleep

Studies have shown that even one night of poor sleep can depress your immune functioning by up to 30 percent.

If you have trouble sleeping, here are some measures you can try:

  • Darken your room.
  • Avoid watching violent or upsetting shows on TV prior to bed.
  • Take a warm bath.
  • Avoid sugar, caffeine or alcohol in the evening.
  • Try a few drops of lavender essential oil on your wrist or pillow—our line of Mooseberry Essential Oils includes Ocean Lavender and Lavender Mint oils!
  • Check your meds. Some medications like bronchodilators for asthma and certain antidepressants can trigger insomnia.  Talk to your doctor about alternatives.
  • Try tryptophan supplements.

Now get busy supporting that precious immune system of yours and make it far less likely that antibiotic resistance will be an issue for you!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • BRAVO!!! You are 150% correct!! Thank-you for your unbiased journalism….. breath of fresh air!

    Debbie on

  • I agree with everything you said.

    Connie Riewer on

  • While I appreciate your normal policy of “swimming against the current”, I found your article, this time, to be stepping much too far into to the hypocritical.

    You set it up as a “very scary thing” in much the same way as those you are attempting to call before the ‘court of public opinion’ and follow it with resounding endorsement your product line.

    As you may know from my email address (or from that of my now deceased partner that I [we] have been a loyal customer for many, many years. I recommend your product regularly as “the very best on the market”. I have given bottles of Super Shield to friends who needed it.

    I simply want you to be careful not to step on your own toes. I trust you and I trust that the products you sell are the best on the market.


    Melanie’s Valentine

    Tim on

  • Be careful with the Optimum DK. I developed blood clots and when hospitalized, the doctors found out I was getting vitamin K. This can promote blood clotting – which is good in most cases, not good in others. Check with your doctor first (even though I don’t trust them much)

    Richard on

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