The ADA finally admits amalgam fillings are poison!


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The ADA finally admits amalgam fillings are poison!


All I can say is it’s about time!

The American Dental Association (ADA) has FINALLY admitted that silver (amalgam) tooth fillings can pose serious health dangers to people.

Now mind you, so far they have only singled out the “higher risk groups” including pregnant women and their developing fetuses, nursing women, women planning to get pregnant, children under the age of 6, and people with neurological diseases, impaired kidney function or heightened sensitivity to mercury or other amalgam components.

I could have saved them a lot of typing.  How about including EVERYONE who has these poisons in their mouths?

I have been writing about the dangers of amalgam fillings since 2007, and there are a whole lot of other natural health experts who have preceded me by 100 years or more!

But as they say, better late than never.  Good going, ADA.

Here’s why amalgam fillings are such a health atrocity that it’s astounding that they’ve been used for this long.

Amalgam—a clever, sneaky term

If you’ve ever had a cavity in your teeth, chances are excellent that you went through the heinous process of having your tooth drilled (with or without Novocain), then it was filled with a compound called silver amalgam or just “amalgam,” and you were sent on your merry way.

Based on the pretty shiny color on your newly restored tooth surface, you, like most people, were probably under the impression that these fillings were, well, silver.

Not quite.

Because they happen to be 50 percent mercury, combined with a powdered alloy mixture of silver, tin and copper.  And mercury is the deadliest neurotoxin known to man. 

Note that the ADA is an amalgam patent-holder, so it was clearly in their best financial interest that you were unaware your mouth was full of mercury.

Mercury—let’s look at the basics

Mercury (Hg) is one of the basic chemical elements…but it's anything but "basic." 

It’s a carcinogen (cancer-causing substance), a mutagen (something that causes dangerous changes to your cellular DNA) and as I mentioned above, a potent neurotoxin (meaning it has a destructive effect on your brain and central nervous system).

One reason mercury is so dangerous is it bio-accumulates, meaning your body holds on to it, it's difficult to eliminate and it increases its concentration over time.  So even miniscule exposure can eventually become deadly to your health.

Here are the primary health concerns associated with mercury:

  • Mercury binds to many tissue enzymes and proteins, and causes direct damage to your cells and their functions. This can eventually lead to failure of organ systems such as the lungs, kidneys and especially the nervous system.
  • Mercury exposure can cause mental dysfunction, fatigue, poor memory, decreased senses of touch, hearing and vision, ringing/noise in the ears, depression, emotional problems, neurological and muscular disorders, kidney and gastrointestinal problems, infertility and heart disease.
  • Mercury acts as an immunosuppressant in the body, weakening your immune system and spurring the development of autoimmune conditions.
  • It can cross the placenta and lead to birth defects and neurological problems in babies.

Here's an interesting tidbit:  The expression "Mad as a Hatter" originated in the 1800's from the observation that hat makers who used mercury to process felt hats often developed mental changes.

How do I get exposed to begin with?                                     

In addition to amalgam fillings, the most common sources of mercury exposure are:

  • Fish (especially large carnivorous fish like swordfish)
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Air pollution (due to emissions from fossil fuel plants and waste incinerators)
  • Tap water (heavy metals seep into the water supply through industrial and consumer waste, mining, agriculture, manufacturing and landfills)
  • Flu shots

Mercury has also been detected in high fructose corn syrup, which is used in many processed foods and beverages.

In addition, mercury has also been detected in paints, lumber, fungicides, water-resistant fabrics and chlorine bleach.

How you can help reduce YOUR risk

Here are 4 very important measures you can take to help reduce your exposure to mercury and counteract its harmful effects:

1) Do the avoid-dance

Try to limit your exposure to known sources of mercury: 

If you smoke, please quit. 

Use chemical-free, chlorine-free, biodegradable laundry and household cleaning products whenever possible.

Drink filtered water.

Avoid the following types of fish: Grouper, mackerel, orange roughy, Chilean sea bass, swordfish, shark, tuna and any kind of farmed fish.

Avoid synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.

Request that your dentist use composite materials for any fillings you need.  And if you have amalgam fillings in your mouth now, seriously consider having them removed and replaced with composites.  Be sure to seek out a dentist who is experienced in amalgam filling removal.  (I had mine replaced in back in 2010 and I’m so glad I did.) 

Carefully weigh the necessity of flu shots.  Having a healthy diet and supporting your immune system with Super Shield probiotic formula and Optimum DK Formula can go a long way in helping your immune system fight viruses like it was designed to. 

If you do wish to get a flu shot, make sure you’re getting one that does not contain thimerosal (mercury), and read the package insert in its entirety.  (Note: The package insert is different from the brief information sheet from your doctor or pharmacist.  If they will not show you the actual package insert, look it up on the FDA’s website prior to injection.)   

2) Get tested

If you suspect mercury is an issue in your health, ask your doctor to do a heavy metals test immediately.

3) Have a healthy diet of real foods and consider a multi-vitamin

The nutrients found in wholesome real foods like fruits, vegetables, meats and poultry are essential for your body to be able to rid itself of mercury. 

When your nutrient levels are low, mercury has much greater access to your cells and can even "lock out" your nutrients as it starts on its path of destruction. 

Plus, adequate fiber is crucial.  Fiber binds to heavy metals like mercury and helps move them out of your body.

If you feel your diet may be lacking, or you just want to be sure to have all bases covered, consider supplementing with a top-notch multi-vitamin and mineral formula like Super Core.

4) Consider chelation therapy

Chelation therapy helps clear heavy metals from your body.  It can be done by an IV or with oral chelators.

I underwent IV chelation therapy in 2010-2011 to eliminate the mercury from my amalgam fillings, and I’m happy to report that my levels continue to stay low using the protocol I’ve suggested to you.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • For those who are concerned about having toxic levels of Hg in their bodies may I suggest you purchase some iodine and persist using this mineral till your last breath here on earth. There are 1000’s of reasons why you should be dosing up on iodine. Sadly an evil body of people soiled iodine use about 120 years ago but strangely all major hospitals use iodine in pre surgical procedures. Reason? No known parasites or pathogens can survive contact with iodine. Iodine also expells heavy metals from your body. Hg is a heavy metal as is lead.
    I have not suffered a single sick day since being on iodine.
    Iodine in vital like salt, air food and water. Read up on iodine via very old medical publications, pre 1920’s!!
    thank me later

    Ed Evans on

  • Just lookup Chelation Therapy in your area. I found doctors along with more information backing up Sherry’s blog. Cheers!

    Amy L Dreyer on

  • Thanks for your wonderful health posts that help me so much! I am in the process of getting my amalgams removed and want to get tested for Mercury and heavy metals. Do you know where I can get that done? Thank you Sherry for all your healthful advise ! We appreciate you

    Susette Albano on

  • Where do I go for chelation?? Who did you see for guidance? No one talks about this!

    maureen on

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