Can we talk about a taboo subject?


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Can we talk about a taboo subject?

Jan 14, 2021 1 comment
Can we talk about a taboo subject?


I have to confess that I get my inspirations for writing sometimes in the strangest, most warped ways.

Today I have an appointment for my annual GYN checkup…and while I’m happy to report I’m feeling fine, the same cannot be said for many other women who may be paying a visit to their gynecologist today.

Because one of the most common reasons to see a GYN is a vaginal yeast infection!

Ah yes, most women have had the unforgettable experience of the pain, discharge, bloating and of course the maddening itching at some point in our lives…some more often than others.

But regardless of what your experiences with yeast infections have been, you can be proactive and fight any existing yeast problem you may have, as well as prevent any further attacks.

Here’s what you need to know:

The culprit

Although vaginitis can be caused by several microorganisms, the most common is yeast (Candida). 

Candida is always present in your intestinal tract, and it does serve a valid function--killing certain harmful bacteria.

However, the problem arises when Candida grows out of control--then this relatively benign yeast becomes a fungal monster that can make you very sick.

There are about 154 different species of Candida, but Candida albicans is usually the culprit that causes health problems. 

How in the world?

You may be wondering, “If Candida is in my gut, how can it cause a VAGINAL infection?”

Well, your vaginal opening and your anus are next-door neighbors, and it’s possible for microorganisms in your wastes to pay a visit to the vagina, especially if you are wearing tight-fitting clothes or wipe back-to-front after a bowel movement.

In addition, Candida can also get into your bloodstream and unleash its wrath virtually anywhere in your body.

Here are some examples:

Other types of “yeast infections”

When Candida proliferates and transforms from yeast to fungus, it eats away at your intestinal walls and makes them too porous (leaky).  This allows the Candida, plus any poorly digested food molecules, toxins and wastes in your intestinal tract to seep into circulation and travel throughout your body.

Eventually this can lead to rashes, food sensitivities, brain fog, fungal skin and nail infections and vaginal yeast infections in women, among other things.

In addition, two very toxic substances - ethanol and acetaldehyde - are released, which hamper your red blood cells' ability to flow into your capillaries, and can lead to migraines, muscle aches and fatigue.

These toxins also impair your white blood cells' ability to function (making you more susceptible to infections), and can also trigger allergies, skin rashes, acne and slow healing.

How will I know?

The important thing to realize is that once you have symptoms, that's a sign Candida is already out of control in your body…so fighting it becomes vital.

Here's a self-assessment to see if Candida may be a problem for you—do you have any of these symptoms?

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Loss of energy
  • Decreased libido
  • Thrush
  • Bloating, gas, intestinal cramping
  • Rectal itching
  • Vaginal yeast infections
  • Frequent bladder infections
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Allergies
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Low immune function
  • PMS
  • Food sensitivities
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • IBS
  • Sugar, carb or yeast cravings

As you would expect, the more “yes” answers you have the more likely it is that Candida is affecting you!

How to stop Candida overgrowth syndrome

If you suspect Candida is wreaking havoc in your body, here are some very effective ways to help: 

Attack that yeast overgrowth head-on

If you suspect you have a yeast problem, you’ll want to attack it head-on and curb that overgrowth, and Optimal Yeast Support Blend is your ticket!

TODAY ONLY - Save $5 per bottle NOW on Optimal Yeast Support Blend!

Optimal Yeast Support Blend contains a well-researched blend of the best, most effective natural herbal antifungals and antimicrobials plus biotin, that work together to fight back at yeast overgrowth and encourage a healthier (more helpful—not harmful!) intestinal yeast population.

These awesome natural antifungals include:

  • Sodium caprylate
  • Pau D’ Arco
  • Berberine sulfate
  • Rosemary
  • Oregano
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Chamomile

Watch your diet too

Candida yeasts thrive on sugar and refined carbohydrates. So when you avoid these foods in your diet, you deprive Candida of the food source it needs to multiply.

This includes all sources of sugar and refined carbs like soda, sweetened drinks, sports drinks, pastries, pasta, bread, white rice, cereals, snack chips, crackers, tortillas and many condiments (like ketchup and barbecue sauce).  Read labels carefully as sugar is a hidden ingredient in most processed foods.

Focus instead on eating good carbohydrates like fresh vegetables.  Also helpful are organic meats and poultry, bone broths, and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi.

In addition, although they are very nutritious and a source of fiber, fruits are high in sugar and whole grains can feed Candida too, so they are best avoided until you have Candida under control.

Help keep your microbiome strong

A full-spectrum probiotic supplement like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula can be a much-needed flora boost for your body and help in maintaining a healthier balance of good vs. harmful microbes in your intestinal tract.

Two of the 13 powerhouse probiotic strains in Super Shield, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, have been shown to be extremely effective in fighting Candida!

Try coconut oil

Coconut oil can fight Candida due to its antimicrobial properties, plus it’s an excellent stable fat for cooking.

Discuss medication alternatives with your doctor

If you are on birth control pills, steroids or antibiotics (all of which can upset your gut microbiome and encourage Candida overgrowth), talk to your doctor about alternatives. 

Choose cotton and natural fibers

Synthetic, non-breathable fibers can encourage yeast growth.  Choose cotton underwear and clothes made of natural fibers such as cotton, wool and silk. 

See how much better you can feel when you finally get Candida under control!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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1 comment

  • I would be interested in getting your input on the COVID-19 immunizations that are taking place. Love your products and information for many years! Anita

    Anita Crotty on

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