The “stones” that most people don’t know about
When you think of "stones" in your body, most people will think of kidney stones, gallstones or maybe bladder stones. But those aren't the only areas of your body that are prone to stones—because you can also get stones in your tonsils! To understand how that can happen, it's important to look at these humble little sentinels in the back of your throat called your tonsils. The humble sentinels Your tonsils are part of...

Yes, you CAN say goodbye to UTIs—here’s how
Back in 1980 when I was starting my first year of college, I got the one and only urinary tract infection (UTI) that I’ve ever had in my life. And the experience was SO horrible, I still remember it vividly 44 years later. I was taking exams and kept getting this incredible urge to pee. I think the exam proctor suspected I may be cheating and had somebody hiding in the bathroom giving me...
- Tags: infections, probiotics, UTI, Women's Health