How to get rid of stubborn belly fat
Currently 74 percent (nearly three out of four) of American adults are overweight or obese, so I think it’s safe to say that there’s no shortage of belly fat around. But is all belly fat created equal? And what’s driving this epidemic of blossoming waistlines? Is it just that we’re eating too much? Or is there more to it than that? Let’s look at several factors that are behind our expanding midsections and more...

Got cravings? Here’s why (and how to stop them)
My late mother Freida used to have a theory about pregnancy cravings. She craved watermelon like it was disappearing tomorrow when she was pregnant with my brother Bob. No matter what the day or time, she couldn’t get enough of it. Well, Bob grew up to LOVE watermelon, and my mother swore it was because of her pregnancy cravings! I’ll let you decide whether her theory has any validity LOL, but seriously, I think...

Heart attack—know the symptoms and what to do
People often ask me where I get my motivation to always eat healthy and work out consistently. Easy. Motivation is derived from wanting to achieve something positive and/or avoid something painful. In my case, I have looming over me a family history of heart disease. My dad had his first heart attack at the tender age of 35! Then his second heart attack killed him at age 58. So there’s my motivation! And I’ve spent...

Don’t get caught up in this hype!
When it comes to selling, one of the oldest tricks in the book is to create an urgent need or problem, then magically provide (i.e.: sell) the solution to said problem. Note that I used the word create here, because many times the need for a specific product is just not there, so the customer must be convinced (or scared into thinking) they need it. At the same time, if other competing products can...

My experiment was an abysmal failure
I recently conducted a little experiment to see if my suspicions were correct. And they were. I wrote letters to 65 local gastroenterologists in my surrounding area and along the east coast of Florida, introducing myself, including my curriculum vitae, and explaining that I would be happy to provide specialized meal suggestions and convenient guides that they could give to their patients to help address any dietary-related causes of their symptoms. Know how many...

What your sweat says about you!
I recently passed a mixed martial arts (MMA) test for advanced green belt (the next level is brown belt!) and to say I was sweaty afterwards is a huge understatement. I was telling all of my fellow MMA students after the test how my nickname in my prior 19 years of karate used to be “Sweaty Betty” and they got a big kick out of that! All kidding aside, whether we like it or...