What does your tongue say about your health?
Modern medicine uses a very pinpointed approach and typically narrows its diagnostic efforts on the “troublesome spot.” For example, if you go to the doctor reporting abdominal pain and diarrhea, you’ll likely get tests aimed at the gut, such as a lower GI series, ultrasound, colonoscopy or maybe a barium enema. On the other hand, traditional medicine (which includes acupuncture and Ayurveda) looks at the entire body as a series of parts and systems...

What you must know about osteoporosis
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis and low bone mass affect approximately 54 million women and men over the age of 50 in the US. What’s even more unsettling is that 54 million number represents the majority of all people aged 50 and older living in the US! As a result, bone density issues are now considered a “major public health threat.” What makes osteoporosis tricky is that the disease is usually...

Ladies: Enough with the Botox already!
I was wondering if it was my imagination at first, but it seems to me that more and more people (particularly women) are taking youthful appearance advice from the likes of Madonna, Cher or Dolly Parton. As in, Botox injections! While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look youthful, when someone gets to the point where their upper lip won’t move when they smile or speak, or their mouth is more trout-like than...
- Tags: Aging, Anti-aging, Hair and Skin, Healthy Living, Inflammation, Toxins, Turmeric, Vitamin C

Osteoporosis facts drug companies don’t want you to know
Following my move to Florida last fall, I was recently faced with the task of finding a new doctor…and I’m thankful to have had the good fortune to locate an outstanding integrative physician here in the Melbourne area. As part of my new patient workup, he ordered a DEXA Scan, and I’m proud to say that at 4 months shy of age 60, I have very healthy bones! But unfortunately, many women (as well...

Are you a likely target for cancer? How to tell
A very dear friend of mine from college was just diagnosed with cancer. We had been keeping in touch over the last 10 years or so, thanks to social media. I had noticed that several of her Facebook posts were recipes for rich desserts and other sweets…and I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been troubled about that for some time. I knew she was overweight and had been warned that her blood glucose levels...

Why is collagen all the rage lately?
It amuses me when a food or nutrient suddenly becomes “all the rage” and everyone is talking about it as if it’s something brand new and is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The latest “wonder of the nutritional world” that is creating lots of buzz is collagen. Collagen has been around since the dawn of time, but suddenly people are obsessed with it, adding protein powders to smoothies and popping supplements, wanting to...
- Tags: Hair and Skin, Healthy Living, Recipes, Vitamin C