Don’t be deceived or manipulated—consider these points
Now more so than any other time in our history, it is crucial to be well-informed. Things are changing at lightning speed in our world today, and it’s vital to have accurate facts and make up your own mind about various issues. But the problem is, the news outlets providing the information that is disseminated to the world are not exactly free of bias and undue influence. In fact, they’re largely bought and paid...

Got meds? Read this before you take them today.
I have never heard of this before, but apparently October is National Talk About Prescriptions Month. Good, because I have a lot to say about that subject, so I’ll jump right in. Although there are times when medications are necessary, as a society (especially here in the US) we’ve gone WAAAY overboard and are increasingly relying on drugs to “create health” for us. The numbers prove it. Currently the CDC reports that 82 percent...

The shocking truth about prescription drug use
As I walked by the pharmacy counter in my local grocery store recently, I noticed that the line to pick up prescriptions was longer than any of the food check-out lines. That should tell you something. Now, certainly medications are needed at times, but when it gets to the point where most of us are drugged every single day, many times taking multiple medications, something is seriously wrong. And a big force behind this...

Brace yourself—more fear mongering is on the horizon
It’s that time of year again. The time when we are bombarded by signs EVERYWHERE saying, “Get your flu shot!” And this year’s push has an additional twist because now we are hearing about COVID and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) too! So get ready to start hearing scary numbers about hospitalizations, cases and the risk of death. But before you get caught up in worry and fear, here are some things to think about. ...

Dirty little secrets I bet you don’t know
Today’s blog is going to take a different twist. Because I’m not going to talk about a health issue and how to naturally feel better. But I am going to impart crucial information that you might not know, but must know, because it can affect your decisions, your health and quite possibly your life. I’ll start with… The dirty little secrets of pharmaceutical companies Pharmaceutical companies would love nothing more than to have everyone...

The scam called “BCAM”
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and everywhere you go, you see pink paper ribbons plastered on the walls signed by someone who likely donated for breast cancer research. Too bad they threw their money away. I say that because BILLIONS of research dollars have been raised over the last several decades to “find the cure,” yet cancer is still our number 2 killer. So what have all these billions of dollars bought...