What your “products of excrement” are telling you
When someone suddenly begins to experience pain, shortness of breath, severe vomiting, bleeding or a high fever, I think most people would realize it’s a good idea to see a doctor. Those are all signs that something isn’t right within you and it’s time to get some answers. Well, there’s another way your body tries to clue you in that trouble is brewing, but many of us don’t bother to examine its signs. The...

Never get another urinary tract infection again!
I remember back in 1980 during my first year of college, I got the one and only urinary tract infection that I’ve ever had in my life. And the experience was so horrible, I still remember it vividly 40 years later. I was taking my finals and kept getting this incredible urge to pee. I think the exam proctor suspected I may be cheating and had somebody hiding in the bathroom giving me test...
- Tags: General Health, urinary health, UTI, Women's Health

Take care of these—it’s a matter of life or death
I get my inspiration for blog writing in several strange ways. For example, if I’m waiting in an airport, you can bet I’ll see something to write about. There’s WAAYY too many people around with time on their hands and I’ll surely pick up on something unhealthy! Same goes for the grocery store. I observe people’s behaviors and of course watch what they put in their cart. I don’t mean to sound weird, but...

Urinary problems keeping you “running”?
Although they can admittedly be a bit embarrassing, urinary problems are actually quite common and nothing to be ashamed of! Millions of people in the US report at least occasionally dealing with urinary symptoms including incontinence, urgency, dribbling and leaking, so if urinary problems have you “running,” you’re certainly not alone. Let’s look at the most common urinary problems, what may be causing them, and how you can get safe, natural relief. [[big4]]The most...

The mysterious painful condition that’s growing fast
Unless of course you happen to BE one of the 4 to 8 million women (or 1 to 4 million men!) that have the condition. Then you are PAINFULLY aware of what it is.
And one of the biggest concerns is that it’s growing. Fast.

Say goodbye to urinary tract infections now!
If you ask the average woman if she's ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI), there is a 50/50 chance that she will shake her head yes (as she is cringing).
Truth is, over half of us females have at least one vivid memory of an unrelenting, overwhelming urge to urinate, followed by tiny drops of urine feeling like little blow torches or razor blades coming out.