Holistic Blends Blog


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4 Nutrients You Can't Live Without... Literally

4 Nutrients You Can't Live Without... Literally

  Whenever people ask me what are the most important nutrients, I usually respond, “All of them.” Fact is, none of the nutrients found in Nature were created by accident, and they ALL help support and enhance your physical and mental health in one way or another. However, there are four that stand apart from the others…because being without them is not only harmful to your health, but it can be deadly. Unfortunately, they also...

Jul 15, 2024 0 comments

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Got cravings?  Here’s why (and how to stop them)

Got cravings? Here’s why (and how to stop them)

  My late mother Freida used to have a theory about pregnancy cravings. She craved watermelon like it was disappearing tomorrow when she was pregnant with my brother Bob. No matter what the day or time, she couldn’t get enough of it. Well, Bob grew up to LOVE watermelon, and my mother swore it was because of her pregnancy cravings! I’ll let you decide whether her theory has any validity LOL, but seriously, I think...

Apr 29, 2024 0 comments

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Take care of this—you can’t live without it

Take care of this—you can’t live without it

  15 percent off storewide sale continues! Oftentimes someone who has been diagnosed with a sickness or disease will say that their illness "just came out of nowhere." Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth. Sickness and disease very often develop gradually over time, and they take great care to seek out a nice, cozy home where they can wreak their havoc, preferably undisturbed. And one of the most significant factors that will...

Mar 18, 2024 1 comment

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Sneaky health destroyers that few doctors test for

Sneaky health destroyers that few doctors test for

  I think it’s safe to say that when most people don’t feel quite right (or downright lousy), unless it’s something minor and short-lived like a cold, the average person will go to the doctor to see what’s wrong. And hopefully after whatever tests are necessary, get some answers and a solution. But alas, life does not always work out that way. Because it’s entirely possible that you can consult a doctor, go through a...

May 02, 2022 1 comment

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Could this be the reason you can’t lose weight?

Could this be the reason you can’t lose weight?

  Here’s an eye-opening statistic--currently, nearly three out of four Americans are overweight or obese.  And those numbers are not going down. Of course, the begging question here is: What in the world is going on?  Why is it our “new normal” to be overweight?  Well, there are a lot of factors behind the scenes, including processed/fast foods, lack of exercise, and our expanding reliance on medications. But there’s another sneaky, often-missed factor that can...

Jun 23, 2021 1 comment

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A blatantly ignored cause of disease and death

A blatantly ignored cause of disease and death

  Despite what you may read on most pharmaceutical company-sponsored “health” websites and even what your doctor may tell you, disease doesn’t just pop out of nowhere and bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. Disease is not normal, it is not a reflection of your body needing some drug, it’s not something you should expect as you age, and it is not some mysterious phenomenon that nobody can explain and for which you have...

Jan 25, 2021 1 comment

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