My opinion of the keto diet
One of the most common questions I get asked as a nutrition coach is what I think of a certain popular diet. Generally speaking, as long as a diet provides good nutrients and enough energy for your body’s needs, and is centered on real (NOT processed) foods, if it’s something that works for you, great. Now, the latest buzz in the diet world is… [[big4]]The Keto Diet[[end]] The idea behind the keto diet is...
A rising cause of obesity, autoimmune disease & more
It shouldn’t be this way, but as a nation we have seriously screwed up something that should be relatively straightforward. FOOD! Food simply isn’t food anymore. Plus, one day you can read a study that says a certain food is bad, and the next day another study that says it’s healthy! So naturally people don’t know what to eat anymore, and when they ask me for advice, the simplest way I can put it...
Could this be packing the belly fat on you?
Summer is fast approaching, and with it comes the two most dreaded words in the English language. Bathing suits. There’s nothing like a bathing suit to perfectly accentuate the amount of belly fat you have accumulated. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you! Because there are ways to help melt away that belly blubber and get the nice, flat stomach you’ve always wanted. Let’s look at what’s causing that spare tire...
Depressed? Can’t sleep? Gaining weight? This may be why
If you slam your thumb with a hammer, there’s a pretty clear connection between that and the throbbing you feel. If you cut your finger on broken glass, the cause and effect is obvious. Or if you’re like I was as a kid and slide down your icy driveway, fall and slam your arm on the ground, you won’t be surprised to wear a cast for 8 weeks. But there are other issues where...
- Tags: Depression, Healthy Living, Hormones, Sleep, Weight Management
Make 2019 the year you finally lose that stubborn weight!
I just had a conversation with a woman who asked me what my New Year’s resolution was and I said I don’t have one. She seemed perplexed, but began complaining that she had been dieting like crazy since New Year’s and only lost 2 pounds. Then she said to me, “You’re so lucky. Look at how skinny you are.” Hold it right there. The lifestyle habits that I CHOOSE 365 days a year are what...
Could these be making us obese?
We’re looking at nearly 40 PERCENT of adults, and about one out of five children!
It’s time we started asking ourselves what in the world is going on!
First let’s start with…