Does meat eating cause diabetes?


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Does meat eating cause diabetes?

Nov 02, 2018 3 comments
Does meat eating cause diabetes?

Here we go again.  I’ve just been reminded that sensationalism is still alive and well.

Another “study” has come out that trumpets a BOLD statement about diet and health, but when you dive deeper into the details, you see there are several holes and omissions.

This time it’s about meat eating and Type 2 diabetes.

Here’s the scoop:

Control diabetes by reducing meat intake?

A study very recently performed and published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) concluded that for people with Type 2 diabetes, cutting out animal products improves glucose control and well-being in addition to boosting weight loss.

The data analysis showed that individuals who ate a plant-based or vegan diet experienced significant improvements in their health.

Specifically, nerve pain (neuropathy) relating to diabetes improved more in the plant-based groups.  In addition, fasting glucose levels fell more sharply, and levels of HbA1c also dropped for the non-meat-eating individuals.

Not so fast!

Now, before you start purging steaks and roasting chickens from your refrigerator or freezer, I would like to make a few points about this latest “study.”

First of all, it is not an original study at all, but a meta-analysis—meaning a rehashing of previous studies.

It makes a very bold statement on an all-or-nothing basis—meat eaters versus vegetarians and vegans—with no specific details about the type and amount of meat that was eaten by the carnivores.

So people who down triple cheeseburgers and fries are lumped with those who eat broiled salmon and salad.

Certainly the effect on the body from those two extremes will be vastly different, yet no distinction was drawn.

What’s a plant-based diet?

The researchers also did not elaborate on specifically what they considered to be a plant-based (vegan/vegetarian) diet.

Vegan or vegetarian diets are not universally healthy, especially if they contain high concentrations of refined carbs (like pasta and bread) and grains—these foods turn to sugar upon digestion, which is the WORST thing a diabetic could eat!  (Plus they can feed harmful yeasts in your gut to boot.)

In addition, many vegans and vegetarians rely on soy-based meat and cheese substitutes and soymilk—but much of the soy grown for these products is genetically engineered (GE)!  So while you might be at a lower risk for diabetes, you may instead become a lab rat who likely has cancer-causing glyphosate coursing through your veins. 

And even if we are truly talking about a diet of fruits and vegetables, as wonderfully healthy as these foods are, the fact is they cannot provide all the essential nutrients your body needs, especially when it comes to amino acids, vitamin B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids. 

Lacking in amino acids can lead to muscle wasting, decreased immune response, weakness and fatigue. It can also affect your mental health and trigger anxiety. 

Vitamin B12 is vital for your brain and nervous system, your metabolism and your immune function.

And Omega-3 fatty acids are Nature’s anti-inflammatory, so being low in those increases your chances of high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol—bad news for a diabetic!

Lastly, even though fruit provides many impressive nutrients and fiber, it nonetheless is high in sugar (in the form of fructose) and must be eaten in moderation, especially by a diabetic.

A smarter approach

The best way to help prevent Type 2 diabetes (or help bring it under control if you’ve got it) AND ensure your body has the precious nutrients it needs is to know what foods to incorporate into your diet (and which ones to stay away from!) and supplement wisely.

Here’s how:

Step 1—eating the right foods (and staying away from the wrong ones)

Foods to eat with Type 2 diabetes

Salmon and cod:  The Omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish like salmon and cod provide crucial support to your metabolism including maintaining proper insulin levels.  Choose wild-caught varieties. 

Legumes:  Legumes are packed with fiber and protein and help regulate blood sugar.

Onions:  Onions are rich in chromium, which is an important mineral to help regulate blood sugar.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are also a good source of chromium, plus they are loaded with antioxidant nutrients.

Red and purple fruits: The anthocyanins (phytonutrients) found in cranberries, cherries, blueberries and similar fruits help lower blood sugar levels.

Leafy greens and sweet potatoes: Loaded with antioxidant nutrients, leafy green vegetables and sweet potatoes contain special compounds beneficial for blood sugar balance.

Cinnamon: This spice is a potent antioxidant and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Walnuts: Another great source of Omega-3 EFAs, they help to encourage proper insulin levels and help lower heart disease risk.

Extra-virgin olive oil: Studies have shown that extra-virgin olive oil can have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels. 

Whole grains: Like legumes, whole grains contain dietary fiber which is important for regular bowel movements and blood sugar control.

Now the flip side:

Foods to avoid with Type 2 diabetes

Refined carbohydrates (including soda, breakfast cereals, pasta, breads, pastries, cookies, cakes, donuts, snack chips, crackers and white rice): These create surges of glucose flooding your bloodstream, which can send your blood sugar soaring out of control.

Dried fruits: Much of the water is removed when fruits are dried, so what is left is a dense food with a high concentration of sugar that is very easy to overeat.

Fruit juices: Similar to dried fruits, fruit juices have had much of the fiber and some nutrients removed, leaving a very sugary beverage.

Artificial sweeteners: Although hailed by many dietitians as helpful to keep sugar intake low, artificial sweeteners are extremely dangerous to your health. For example, according to researchers, these chronic conditions can be triggered or worsened by consuming aspartame:

  • Brain tumors
  • Epilepsy
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Fibromyalgia

Step 2- Helpful supplements

There supplements that have been shown to be extremely helpful to people with Type 2 diabetes:

Omega-3 essential fatty acids: A top-notch, pharmaceutical grade fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 can help make sure you have the Omega-3 EFAs your body needs to help control blood sugar levels and reduce heart disease risk. 

Probiotics: Colds, flu and infections can send your blood glucose soaring through the roof, and your best protection against viruses and bacterial infections is to help support a strong and sharp immune system with probiotic supplementation. 

Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets for beefing up your population of friendly, helpful bacteria that will help encourage healthy immune function!  Plus Super Shield’s 13 robust probiotic strains will also help support regular BMs and better nutrient absorption, which are also very important for Type 2 diabetics!

Alpha lipoic acid: This antioxidant assists your body in using glucose and neutralizes free radicals in your body that are involved in insulin resistance. 

Magnesium: Magnesium helps lower blood glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity. 

And our outstanding Super Core multi-vitamin and mineral formula contains health-supporting doses of both alpha lipoic acid and magnesium, plus a wide array of other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories!

Now you are armed with reliable information—not hype—about your diet and diabetes, as well as ways you can supplement and support healthy blood glucose levels.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Thank you, Sherry Brescia, for all the good you do in the world! There are so many twisted statistics out there, one really has to read between the lines to get the real scoop. I recall Susan Peirce Thompson recently referencing some study about rats and obesity. The rats fed the “high fat” diet (40% of calories from fat vs some other formula) gained weight but they didn’t mention what the other 60% of calories were…everyone reading this knows the answer though…SUGAR! (don’t know what kind of fat it was either) Yet this was compared to a high fat percentage keto diet as “evidence” to discourage people from doing it. People seldom mention that a true keto diet IS a plant based diet. There are more fibrous, non-starchy vegetables by volume than anything else. Some people do small amounts of very low glycemic fruits as well. Many of the fat sources are vegetarian too…olives, olive oil, all kinds of nuts, nut/seed butters avocados, and coconut oil. I know your plan isn’t keto per se, but I am making a point here, regarding the “does meat cause type 2 diabetes” e-mail. I know it’s easy to fall into the trap of “confirmation bias” and I try to avoid that myself, even when it’s something I strongly want to believe. Having said that, in no way shape or form does eating small to moderate amounts of healthily raised animal foods “cause” diabetes. There is no evidence for that in ANY STUDY!

    Fiona on

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